August 4

sun conjunct mars composite lindalandsun conjunct mars composite lindaland

We have a composite grand trine with Mercury, Uranus and MC and no matter how difficult we are feeling with each other we have always been able to talk about money. Even when theyre not, they appear overly confident. Ok thanks.Does this aspect bring sexual attraction or sex? Saturn is squared Sun, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and trine Uranus. I am a Pisces. CompositeChart:SunMarsAspects Rception de marchandises. This is a very dynamic composite aspect, and you may find that you get a lot more done when you are around each other than most couples who may easily slip into a lazy or too comfortable pattern. To take our time when it comes to the physical department. You are highly motivated and driven to achieve greatness, although you may also act on impulsive desires at the risk of self-damage. It depends. Deep under that bravery usually lie insecurities and complexes. Where does the Sun fall in the composite chart of you and your partner? I would think the composite defines the energies of our personalities when we meet and interact. But something like Sun conjunct Mars leads me to believe that the relationship is VERY physical, involved, and the two people ego's might rub off on each other or butt heads but also they are sexually/physically attracted to each other. Posts: 795From: Silent HillRegistered: Aug 2011. CompositeChart:MoonPlutoAspects The romantic synastric analysis is the interaction of houses between two birth charts. Full-time. In our synastry we have intense saturn and nodal contacts. With Composite Sun conjunct the Composite Moon, your masculine and feminine energies can sync up in an easy way, along with your wants and needs. You have a natural charm and a strong spiritthat manifests itself in social and professional situations. Imaginative and artistic souls can use this transit for art and crafts because the Sun favors all types of creative expression. It is a combination that, regardless of how passionate, cant provide a harmonious coexistence. Well that's the thing, I didn't lmao! I had a serendipetous run in with a psychic/doula one day very much by accident/fate, and she had some very nice insights about the baby, that the baby WANTS to be here, and specifically desires to be brought in to the world through my husband and I. There are two yod's (without the very small semi sextiles at the bottom) and each point the opposite direction. This aspect can become quite explosive very quickly. When it is in contact with someone's Juno, your ideals of the perfect spouse overlap. CompositeChart:SunUranusAspects This is a time when you feel exceptionally bold and brave in pursuing your goals and personal ambitions. We are big on favours for the other but also very aware of the energy exchange Like, when one of us has done more of the housework than the other. Sign in to create job alert. Sun Conjunct Juno in Synastry This is a wonderful aspect. his Mars was conjunct my Sun in synastry as well. Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Sun square mars COMPOSITE profile | register | preferences . What are your thoughts on it? They will do everything to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their beliefs. Their attack-or-be-attacked behavior is often just a facade protecting them from being perceived as weak or inept. We are homebodies. A couple of years ago (during my saturn return) we broke up, for a month or so. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is an action-oriented connection, and these two can achieve a lot together if they channel the energy right. The house ruler remains at the front of my thinking, so Aquarian themes rule. Him: November 2nd 19892:40 pm Los Angeles CA, Posts: 1048From: the world is my home! Posts: 371 From: Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 06, 2012 12:03 AM . As lilith in synastry, you never get over that person no matter how toxic they are. However, you can initiate new projects and get lots of work done together, if your drives are harnessed and channeled into creative enterprises. Well the only relation I have had, is with Venus sq sat guy. Going on 20 years. With Sun conjunct Mars in synastry, there is a real physical connection between the two that generally presents itself as sexual attraction and physical chemistry. We have been together for more than 12 years. Chances are, each of you would give a very different answer to the questions, What does this relationship mean to you? and Where are you headed as a couple? Put your heads and your hearts together and come up with a compromise. This person had his sun conjunct my pisces moon. ? The connection is full of sexual undertones and desire, and they can stimulate each other to work harder and pursue their dreams. How do you see it manifest? CompositeChart:VenusJupiterAspects Jupiter and the moon trines the giant cluster of planets as well. CompositeChart:MoonSaturnAspects Or is Saturn giving the relationship staying power? Sun conjunct Mars persons are better at games that require physical strength and force. It's like pluto but stronger. There's nothing wrong with a little idolizing or keeping the fantasy alive. But we are also great at surviving tough situations. But the clash of these two planets is even more beneficial for physical activity and sexual drive. You should consider whether chart ruler is essentially or accidentally dignified. I am fire dominant after all). Sun conjunct Mars natives are highly sexual and assertive in love. Our composite Capricorn Ascendant had its ruler in guess where? I have not had experience with this, personally but I can offer this interpretation from the Composite Report. Neptune frustrated me a lot. The Saturn/Jupiter/Moon part in Libra/8th house though. You are someone who is fierce in your love and protectionfor the people you care about and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe and happy. I ran across this thread and like it alot. Or sex lol or a strong attraction. There might be a slight power struggle, but you see that more intensely with Pluto. Back to Planets in Aspect in the Composite Chart. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Scorp 6th house wife, Pisces 8th house husband. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. What are the neptune/saturn aspects, specifically? Even if you make yourself a part of something that excites you at the start, it can become tough for you to bear through the entire situation or event if it seems to lose its spark. The Sun represents your husband or you as a husband. I have a 12th house sun exact conjunct Jupiter in the 12th with a man I am interested in. They also enjoy being in the presence of other people especially if they are the leaders. Man's Mars Square Woman's Pluto. I think another thing that is significant in the composite is the 2 t-squares. It lasts for three to four days, and its impossible not to sense when Sun merges with the aggressive Mars. CompositeChart:VenusUranusAspects One cat for each of us of course . Depends on which chart were looking at. I am not sure if Saturn in a stellium is a bad thing as a result and I am starting to think is a good sign of a lasting committed relationship. Taurus 29 degrees is the Asc. Sometimes, however, this trait combined with your need for action and activity can result in misunderstandings and disagreements with some people. The key here will be to get to the root of the problem and that is what your relationship means to you *individually*. Due to your ambition, passion, charm, authority, generosity and sexual appeal, you are bound to create waves around you, attracting people to you and the energies that you give off. Sent 5 times a week. Try to hold back some triggering words you might say on other occasions. Be careful to not be trigger happy as we all know that Mars always has an aggressive streak and that aggression can be defeated easily if we are careful to monitor it. The man can be stubborn if he feels that his needs are being suppressed. They have to find a way to express that energy in a creative way because theres a risk of fiery competition and arguments. It has such big extremesmore than any other planet and I really think how it plays out depends on how it is aspected but also on the consciousness of the people involved. I rely on her during difficult times, she relies on me. WE did start out as a clandestine affair and have pretty much stayed that way, execpt for 2 outings and 3 attempted outings, but they always fell through. There can be a lot of passion in this relationship that needs an outlet. Also, I two other composites between best friends who think the other is awesome but never said anything about soulmates lol. Any not-so-obvious thoughts or ideas from you? It may be very physical, very competitive, very emotionally involved with high energy drives either working against each other and maybe with each other. We have lilith in taurus in 7th and north node in gemini right at the beginning of the 8th house. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. They like to pursue their prey and wont stop until they achieve their goal. If all the other planets and aspects align as well as possible, these people can be unstoppable. Strategic thinking is not their best asset. It is essential for you to find some way to channel all the energythat you might be feeling to feel more grounded and balanced. He is a cancer by Sunsign. Whenever it squared venus, something always happened to where it just fell apart asap. Its part of a stellium with the Asc in early Sag. Whenever these two bodies come together, a powerful unionis something you should anticipate. Both partners are struggling for power, each hoping to defeat the other. The Sun conjunct Mars combination gives you the ability to take initiative and remain persistent in getting what you want out of life. Thats 12th house. We eventually just stopped talking, well he stopped talking and I eventually stopped caring. Author: Topic: Mars in Composite: C1ND3R Knowflake . He's really trying to figure it out too. I'd say the same for Mars conjunct Jupiter, except it is more a focus on what the relationship is creating or putting out, and less of bedroom stuff and more about energy and doing activities (work, hobbies) together. Lots of power struggles and verbal fights. Pluto scorpio in 1st. like ever. Both Sun conjunct Mars partners believe that the other is their ideal type and that theyre meant to stay together. We have sun in gemini in the 8th house, along with mercury and chiron. Shared understanding, outlook and desireswhen it comes to your relationship is something that you experience and will continue to as long as you both always know how to settle things amicably. The Fixed Fire sign of Mars being associated with this placement indicates that you act on the impulses coming from your own life force and are not very open to persuasion from others. I think i may still be skinning natals to the bare bone now and should maybe broaden my horizons to see what else i can learn with everything that is in astro. In the 3rd sagittarius mars and aquarius jupiter. ohhhhhmy v/s We have stellium in 12th Virgo- Sun,moon, mercury, juno and Saturn all conjunct with eachother. Sun in Gemini in 11th house Taurus. It is why theyre not known for being patient and quiet. Even if they meet in a crowded room or a party, they will sense the presence of the other and go toward it. It is the planet that represents our assertiveness, energy, and competitiveness. Hmm. However, how they challenge each other is not always positive. Moon Conjunct Venus will never stop loving each other. Composite Sun in Aries 1st House. We like to do things together, and we have a pretty/aestically pleasing home in a very nerdy way. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. You could have the most incompatible synastry connection with someone, but if you have a great composite chart, somehow things seem to keep you together. The Sun conjunct Mars transit brings you to the pinnacle of energy, enthusiasm, confidence and sense of self-reliance. The Mars energy is sexually attracted to the Sun person, and the Sun person's sexual desires are stimulated by the energy of the Mars person. How bad is this? There is undeniable physical chemistry between them. Were great at changing and evolving. And our composite Mars is perfectly conjunct Chiron in the 11th house but totally Unaspected. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is ideal for participating in contests and competition because these two can be a power couple. You are both attuned to each others needs and your combined passions continue to excite and challenge each other in all aspects of your relationship and life. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Weve been friends for a long time, and we took our sweet time in coming together; this is at the core of everything. Losing is not an option, and they do something, they expect the best results only. Lilith in synastry sucks when you're lilith. Or sex lol. Part of the essence of your relationship has to do with fostering confidence and a positive, active approach to life. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! It is very likely for these people to be misunderstood, because they tend to follow their desires over what others think they should do. These aspects require our attention because planets represent broad traits that might not align with our characters and lives. It must be true because my best friend told me she thinks she found her soulmate in her boyfriend, and she knew from the first day they met and when I checked their composite they did indeed have that tight stellium and all planets clustered together. If you are working at cross-purposes, you will face far too many rocky roads together. We talk a lot, and take care of our elders in a practical way. But they have to find a way to use that courage in the right way because it will make them bold and daring without causing feuds and brawls. One to uranus and the other at the moon conjunct venus. My north node/ASC is conjunct his moon and opposite his sun and Mercury. The effect of this aspect varies, as each pair of planets will interact differently with each other. We met at work and havent moved forward because doing so would be inappropriate. Composite sun in 1st in Cap 1deg. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Together you will be inspired to take action and do things that you may not have had the courage or confidence to do as single individuals. Author: Topic: Sun square mars COMPOSITE: asclibrasagsun Knowflake . He likes to buy more upscale appliances and creature comforts for the house than what I would have purchased on my own. I'm just wondering if anyone has been able to get through a relationship where they tend to idealize their partner non-stop to have a functional happy relationship. Copyright 2000-2015 At least you can limit some of its potential damage by making realistic assessments, and watching the pedestal-placing. it has been equally wonderful and miserable. The trine is way better. Moon venus and chiron all conjunct but in early degrees of taurus and oppose mercury and sun in scorpio. Mars reprezents energy, will, activity, courageous, lust, challanger, motivation, impulsivity, direct, establisment of ego, force, effort etc Chiron reprezents help, teaching, healing, understanding, scientist, experience, love, wisdom, punishment/reward, lessons, protection etc. same house as our suns. They have an array of drive, tenacity, and capacity to get the job done or get what they want. Sent 3-5 times a week. And there is a lot of chemistry (Mars conjunct Jupiter). While the Sun stands for aspects like energy, life, support, livelihood, authority, willpower, hope and consciousness, Mars is more symbolic of aspects like energy, ambition, passion, drive, sensuality, action and sometimes even anger. but in the same Stellium we also have Saturn and Neptune. I suppose if you look at it in a traditional way, Mars in Taurus is in detriment since it is in better placement with Scorpio, so it could mean the relationship is moving at a slow pace, slow consummation of the relationship, etc. Started out in secret and the beginning was hard. You are not destined to have a peaceful, placid coexistence! If other aspects in their natal charts are complementary, Sun conjunct Mars partners will boost each others confidence. This can also be a great way to inspire and empower othersaround you, which is perhaps why people often look to you for support and guidance. Never really got off the ground in either case, though one was very long, and the other short. There is an immense sexual attractionhere and you both enjoy being around each other and seeing how things go in bed. We are more connected than anyone I have been with for sure. What To Expect When Saturn Transits Venus or Mars in Leo, Six Planets Changing Signs In March, 2023: Dates & Details, Pluto Transiting the 8th house in Aquarius, All Planets Direct For Three Months In 2023, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. At first, they enjoy that aspect of a relationship without thinking much about their differences. Can anyone tell what that means? Reuniting With Your Lover, Friend Or Family Member An Effective Approach To Synastry - Abstract But Logical - Video. Your bravery, passion, sense of clarity and strong sense of ambitioncan inspire you to move forward and grasp any opportunities coming your way, which can also serve as an inspiration to others around you. We have a lot of fated transits and synastries. Our chart shows great compatibility but I dont know what this placement means for the longterm. Being a man with a Sun conjunct Mars aspect can result in confidence, courage, protective instincts, passion, ambition, creativity and strong instinctive urges. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. This can help keep things enjoyable and exciting for both of you. sounds interesting!how did you get over him? Saturn being the apex of the other also involving Venus and Mars/Jupiter. And then he reached out to me again last month. We like to look after others, cuddle and make up new words. You may find that spending a lot of time together gives you more energy and more desire to do and to achieve. CompositeChart:VenusNeptuneAspects Its so simple and good and always has been. Thus every discussion between Sun conjunct Mars partners will be highly personal on both sides. Anything is possible. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. They usually spend much less time talking than doing things, such as outdoor activities or being intimate. It really does. Oh, I should also mention that sun opposite venus in the composite is interpreted the same way as Sun conjunct venus so if you have sun opposite venus conjunct mercury (whether mercury is conjunct the venus or the sun it doesnt matter) it is basically and almost identical energy, except that for some reason the people seem to have opposite but complimentary personalities. Yes a trine will definitely be better. My moon is in Gemini, so how could I not feel comfortable with this one. Sometimes, out of the blue, little things pop up between the two of you that inspire some sort of disagreement. Of course, sometimes you might end up fighting and saying unreasonable things to each other, which is why having some space and outlets are important. My mars is retrograde in Aries. Whatever they choose to do, their connection is wild and passionate. Thanks Elsa. She kept refering to the baby as a "he", and I have a feeling the baby is a boy, and everyone so far has told me they have the same inclination. It is our ego and what, for the most part, dictates our decision-making. Welcome to Lindaland ( Lindaland Astrology Sun/Moon Trine in Composite . I had an ex where we had a composite sun 8th and it was UNLIKE ANY relationship Ive ever had!!! One is inner energy, and one represents outer energy. A Composite shows how a couple presents themselves to the outside world (which could be totally different from how they really are in private). It's electric. It will depend on other planets and houses in which direction it will migrate. Couples and Relationship Forecast reports. This aspect gives you the ability to make things happen in the world and to draw people toward you through your leadership qualities. The Sun resembles the authority that censors our behavior and subconsciousness. We live for transformation via exchange of energy and thrive in 8th house realms like death and psych, healing and regeneration. Example..Pluto in the 12th house..I seen that in a composite and I instantly got worried, also Mars and Saturn in the 8thinstant uneasiness. Doesnt the 8th house and 12th scare anyone? What are your thoughts on Grand Trines in composite charts? Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. If they can nurture tolerance, acceptance, and communication, that could be true. Also Saturn, is Saturn always a downer of a planet? But its essential they dont go overboard with that and suffocate each other with expectations. For instance, if one partner expresses the qualities the other hates about themselves, they could resent them. They have the potential to encourage each other and use the competitive personalities to succeed together. We broke up a couple of times. Indeed, they have leadership qualities, and if they choose to do the right things, they can be marvelous leaders. Composite sun semisquare, opposite, or semisextile venus yields the same exact interpretation in Google as composite sun conjunct venus. Because his Sun was on my Ascendant, and he felt I was similar to him. Same axis and the energies fit both. Stellium in the fifth, including Sun, in two partnerships. It shows what the two of you create when you come together. Sun conjunct Mars natal makes you energetic, heroic, courageous, fierce, and fearless. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. Sun conjunct Mars individuals are impossible to ignore because they leave no one indifferent. That sounds very interesting! Sun conjunct Mars individuals' lives are filled with drama and change. The composite sun shows the purpose of a relationship. Seek meaningful outlets, take action, involve yourself in new agendasand do what it takes to restore some peace. It is why they are typically sports-oriented and likely to participate in competitions and adrenaline-fueled activities. Theyre people of action, which could prove to be their strongest trait, especially at work. Sun Conjunct Midheaven - Synastry, Transit, Composite The Power of Leadership Bonding is one of the most powerful aspects of life and has a profound effect on the external circumstances around the native. Grrr, I am not even usually that irrational (okay, maybe a little. CompositeChart:MoonJupiterAspects In the midpoint composite, Sun conjunct Jupiter in Leo falls in the 11th. If you dont manage to control yourself, you can hurt others or yourself. I have a Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars synastry with this Scorp AS guy. However, you will focus on your desires and mission. Although we tell each other everything I know this is the house of secrets and the house of undoing. A Sun conjunct Mars aspect, then, can mean several things for you based on what each of them represents. ( This topic has been transferred to this forum: Interpersonal Astrology. I read online that the best indication of soulmates is that all the planets are clustered together and conjunct each other in the composite. Its healing and vulnerability and the shady stuff. . Sign up here! The goal is to identify the function of a connection. Virgo in a nutshell,ruling small animals. CompositeChart:SunMercuryAspects Mars in the composite was not only square Sun but Jupiter and . Composite Sun trine or sextile Moon helps a relationship significantly. I am worried about it. That will mark the relationship of the composite Sun conjunct composite Mars individuals. We have turned our partnership into a well-oiled machine . You have a highly magneticpersonality with this aspect. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: You bring out the warrior in one another, and without intending to, you both polarize against one another. One is inner energy, and one represents outer energy. But he's elsewhere, nothing I can physically do about it. They get the things done and dont play games. The Sun and Mars are in conjunction or closely aspected in the synastry chart. It is all too easy to get into a mood of anger and rage during this transit. He is an outgoing people person (leo sun) and I am a reserved, very quiet person (aquarius sun). My other friend also swears her boyfriend is her soulmate and they also have a love stellium with most composite planets conjunct. We definitely have a Taurean kind of trust. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Fight myself lol. That is what results in either being an arousing and stimulating relationship or frustrating and conflicted. However, Sun conjunct Mars transit is not limited to arts and sports only. Everyone thought we were not together, but we secretly dated and slowly but surely redefined our relationship, our boundaries, values and goals. Theres no overthinking with these persons. So it it's significant still if they are conjunct, but its awesome when there's a love stellium in there too. You might need to take a step back and figure out what you really want or make some changes in your life at this point. I had a boyfriend have their Venus conjunct it and his needs overtook mine. Fonction. . The Sun conjunct Mars transit will put you under pressure because it will play havoc with your emotions and cause frustration. CompositeChart:Mercury-MarsAspects Weve got a ninth house moon thats dedicated to learning in the wedding chart. It is called venus conjunct saturn. Such a tricky placement. However, you can also be defiant, intolerant, over-confident, cruel, and vindictive. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Faozinc by 2x. This can manifest physically or verbally, causing pain to the people around you. (for ex. In Sun in 1th in cancer. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'astromajesty_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_24',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');The transit will equip you with the necessary courage, and you will feel ready to strive toward your goals. Fatedness, if you will. Are trines better in synastry and conjunctions better in composite charts? It would be more meaningful if say moon was conjunct venus (tight orb), or moon was conjunct IC. its not great, but it comes out with time, and it can give a lot energy and enthusiasm to the both of u when u get together. People said we balanced each other out. Sun conjunct Mars is one of the most important aspects in a natal chart; both planets are similar in that they represent energy. A pretty packed Aquarius on the 12th House cusp so that old mover-n-shaker, Uranus, rules the house of the collective, the hidden, spirit. The problem is, these partners are too similar. I really do love this person and I don't know how to deal with all this neptunian energy. When the planet that rules the Sun in one chart forms a conjunction with the Mars placement in the other chart, this can imply similar and matching energiesbetween the two of you. It gives me the impression they are going to be just devoted to each other and almost obsessed with their love for eachother, like the baby is going to be one of those people that talks so very lovingly of their father. select portfolio servicing lawsuit 2019, mobile homes for rent near me under $500 a month,

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