August 4

haarp locations in africahaarp locations in africa

is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Many are now finally beginning to look up and take notice of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying that is occurring in skies all over the globe. No, blurry picture distorts real story, No emergency? This unimaginable, Blood Testing Protocol And Chelation For Heavy Metals, Chelation Therapy For Heavy Metal Detoxification. In mid-August, U.S. Air Force General Tom Masiello shook hands with UAF's Brian Rogers and Bob McCoy, transferring the powerful upper-atmosphere research facility from the military to the . Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Background: HAARP, or the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is a collaborative project involving the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and the University of . No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. The claims they make need to be checked, openly and impartially. A quietweapon for silent warfare. Massive Aerosol operations off the west coast of the North American continent, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with RF transmissions. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Corrections? What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. What do you do? The weather makers continue to wreak havoc on the climate system overall. Radio frequency transmissions are utilized for manipulating weather systems,cloud formations, and jet stream patterns. Lake Superior/Arrowhead region ofN. Minnesota. Updates? Jet stream manipulation and toxic chemical ice nucleation are the two primary tools being used to create the temporary surface cold zones in a rapidly warming world. Photo credit:, MorongoValley, California. The VLF group focuses on using HAARP to generate ELF and VLF waves through a process called modulated heating. The ionosphere is of particular importance for radio because low radio frequencies are reflected off the ionosphere, allowing for long-distance communications. The main instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), an array of 180 radio antennas spread over an area of 0.13 square kilometer (33 acres). Our planet's, DaneWigington We are told byofficial sources that the ozone layer is recovering, that we have nothing to worry about. Dane Wigington, Though "killing" a hurricane may sound like a very beneficial thing for the weather makers to do, is it really helping the planet and humanity overall? Please watch this 4minute video that will provideinsight and points to ponder. Yet, even now, the indoctrination of academia and society prevails, the delusion of the "techno fix" (to what technology and anthropogenic activity caused in the first place) is rampant. And if the geoengineers suppress this particular storm (which again is the planet's attempt to cool itself), won't another cyclone just pop up in its place somewhere else? Was HAARP A Factor In The Fukushima Earthquake? The, DaneWigington The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to distract populations from the wider horizon of unfolding and accelerating global, DaneWigington How dire are conditions in our last remaining wilderness areas? Africa, the second largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.It is divided almost equally in half by the Equator. DW. HAARP Locations - Google My Maps HAARP Locations HAARP Locations Sign in Open full screen to view more This map was created by a user. Due to the recent collapse of the immense Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, the climate engineers appear to be fully engaged in an increasingly desperate and destructive attempt at damage control in the polar regions. Photo credit: Dirk Poole. If climate engineering is to be effectively exposed and halted, this critical aspect of the equation must be understood and addressed. He represented the party in parliament until it expelled him in 2015. Yet, the so called "experts" continue to fortify the public denial of climate engineering by themselves adhering tothe lie on the officially dictated blatant deception. The NEXRAD map below of the US is just an example of active RF / microwave transmitters. Bizarre cloud configurations commonly occur due to the radio frequency bombardment of the atmosphere for climate modification purposes. After the passing of the recent engineered winter weather onslaughton Northern California, DaneWigington Are covert climate engineering operations connected to the exponentially increasing wildfires all over the world? What primary factors are fueling the record wildfires thatare incinerating formerly thriving forests? SUBSURFACE MINERAL EXPLORATION HAS BEEN DONE FROM SATELLITES BY RADIOTOMOGRAPHY THAT IS 100% ACCURATE. The agendas behind the climate engineering programsare many and multilayered. A primary purpose of the constant spraying is to create as much aerosolized cloud cover over the planet as possible. The NOAA long term forecast map below reveal the accelerating warming that will soon become impossible to deny for even the most willfully blind. The amount of high-frequency energy coming from amateur radio operators around the world almost certainly exceeds transmissions from HAARP., No evidence South African provincial minister Nomusa Dube made racial remark in 2011 statement about deadly KwaZulu-Natal lightning strikes, US president Biden abusing little girls on beach? 10 Most Radioactive Locations on Earth. warns people to get where they need to be before potential flash freeze". All of us completely depend on Earth's life support systems, these systems have been derailed and decimated for decades by the global power structure. What will it take to wake the masses to what is occurring in the skies over their heads? Both of these facilities were built with both active and passive radio instrumentation similar to those at the HAARP facility. THEY ALL ORIGINATE FROM JAPAN!! At the bottom of this post, there are several good examplesof tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters. As Matthew approaches the US, the bombardment of aerosol spraying occurring over the storm will likely increase dramatically. More HAARP Facilities: Many of these "activists" claim there is virtually no effect on the climate system from human activity. See our privacy policy. DaneWigington Does the sun feel scorching hot? This is completely absurd from a historical perspective, but now it seems it is the norm. In Parliament's report of 14 January 1999 on the environment, security and foreign policy it was characterised as a weapons system which disrupts the climate. One Observatory Circle in Washington, D.C., remained blurred out on Google Earth until Jan. 18, 2009, according to a Gawker post from the time. Unfortunately the vast majority of the population currently cannot distinguish between natural clouds and aerosolized artificial "cloud" cover. The power structure is quite literally playing God with the Earth's life support systems, we will all pay the price if they continue. to help stop the spread of false information on social media. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977), Dane Wigington The latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map shown below is very revealing in regard to the true state of global temperatures. Radio frequency / microwave transmissions are a major factor in this manipulation. Though there are countless forms of human activity affecting the equation, the global, DaneWigington Climate engineering operations continue to createwinter weather chaos in parts of the US, Canadaand Europe. The video below is well worth the time to view. Radio frequency transmissions emanating from the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, captured on satellite imagery. In response, the, Source: Daily KOS Throughout the High Arctic of Canada, Alaska, and Siberia unprecedented wildfires are raging. The, DaneWigington "Dangerous Arctic Blast Ushering Coldest Air For 2023 Across Northern US",a new FOX newsharbinger headline of the coming winter weather warfare that is scheduled, DaneWigington Mexico has "banned" geoengineering, do they mean it? Much of the spraying is far less obvious but still turns the sky white and/or silvery white. Is the highly toxic and controversial elementgraphene being seeded into our skies as part of the ongoing covert, DaneWigington After substantial difficulty and expense, Geoengineering Watch has utilized two types of aircraft to complete multiple atmospheric particulate sampling flights up to, DaneWigington The climate science community is increasingly calling for massive global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations to be immediately deployed to, DaneWigington Sharing shocking and inarguable film footage of jet aerosol spraying is the most powerful tool of all for waking people up to, DaneWigington Official sources,whos job it is to deny the blatantly obvious climate engineering atrocities,have consistently claimed that the vapor trails seen behind WWll, DaneWigington NASA is nothing more than a tool for the military industrial complex to carry out theirnefarious agendas and to cover up their, DaneWigington From the weather, to the behavior of societies, to unfolding controller agendas, all is rapidly becoming more extreme and all is connected. The islands are hilly and mountainous (all volcanic in origin), and encircled by . We are all in a very real and very immediate fight for our lives and the life or our planet. This in turn makes the lethal and immensely powerful signals from ionosphere heaters even more impactfuland dangerous. high-frequency radio waves into the ionosphere. Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the . The HAARP ionosphere heater installation in Alaska is only one of many large radio frequency / microwave transmitters located around the world that are utilized for climate engineering purposes. Um, no, No break-in or prison release at Umzinto in KwaZulu-Natal, Buckle up! DW. Record forest die-offs and recordforest fires are yet more downstream effects. We fell down the White Spiritual Boy Trust rabbit hole, Meta's third-party fact-checking programme, Allowed HTML tags:


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