August 4

avengers fanfiction peter never have i everavengers fanfiction peter never have i ever

MJ, these are the guys." Thor's a beast in the sack.. I wouldn't I mean, I didn't think you would be the one to hug me, if anyone would do it.. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. But I'm still sleepy. He shifts closer, presses more firmly against Clint's back. Flash question was exactly the kind he expected from him. Tony, Natasha snaps. I smell a demi, Brucie. See, that's not playing fair, Barton. "Ouch" she groaned quietly into her pregnancy pillow, trying not to wake Paxton and reach towards the night stand to grab her phone and check the time 4:45 A.M. It was Peter's 21st birthday. Yup, Clint says and squeezes Steve harder. One moment. Where you can ask anyway, even though you've done it? Tony seems to look mostly at Bruce, Natasha and Clint, since the two others haven't played this before. But now he has a girlfriend who picked him and his parents are speaking to him somewhat regularly. I'd love to stay and chat. Clint keeps his hand high and the phone out of Tony's reach. Please consider turning it on! Because this is still a terrible idea, okay? Demi, is that a bad thing?. Alright, Tony said, because of course he would take charge of anything alcohol related, everyone have a drink? Tony said. #fieldtrip Why, thank you, Anthony!. That doesn't mean I don't judge you, she says easily and cracks her breakfast muffin in two to share with him. Which I'm gonna lie in, whether you're in it or not.. He was technically not lying, right? You mentioned that.. Yeah, Tony sighs out and nips lightly at Clint's lips. Natasha's mouth quirks upwards in what, on a lesser person's face, would constitute as a fond smile. Everything was going great until Y/n accidentally slaughtered her entire family with powers she didn't know she had. Tony laughs more, and so does Thor, and then Natasha pushes at his back and says bed, now, and Clint stumbles off. "Never ever have I ever been arrested," Aunt May says and everyone but her takes a drink. Maybe it won't be as bad this time, Natasha muses. ), depois que devi entrega o papelzinho do one free boink. MJ grinned. The guy isn't being handsy; not even clingy. When Peter protested he wasn't a kid, Tony reminded him he was drinking apple juice and had been building a new Lego set before they got the alert of the mission. Clint squirms underneath the covers, reveling in the softness all around all of him, and lets out a happy noise into the fluffy pillow. It counts, Bruce says, and Clint obediently drinks. Tony is still up, working on his tablet in bed, sprawled with his feet poking out from beneath the silky covers. Everyone else, other than Natasha and Clint, had also changed out of their 'work-outfits', though Stark had been wearing those clothes underneath his suit. Other people who are not Clint, obviously. This is the good stuff. What if shes an Avenger? So why are you asking us to date, then?, Tony deflates a little, caught between looking sulky and dejected. "How do you even do that?" DC Character Not to mention that Tony's arc reactor has the same eerie blue color as the Tesseract, and it was a strange kind of comfort to wake up and see it lighting up the room; press his fingers against it and hear the faint hum. Then they watched as Thor went for the head. "Way way way wait. Peter's first time playing Never Have I Ever and Ned is a little shit and almost outs him because he's drunk. Ow. These kids are amazing! Before Tony can open his mouth to reveal his secret, Natasha sighs. Stupid Sally. He speaks with exclamation marks a lot, and that only gets worse as he gets drunk, Clint knows. This is my first fanfiction EVER, so please don't judge me too hard. Should we proceed? Romance Avengers Lokiandreader. MJ said, her voice unlike he had ever heard, soft and worried and a bit amazed. He's toppy as hell, no matter if he's giving or receiving, but he's adamant that Clint get as many orgasms as himself, and he's really good with some of the triggers Clint has. Nope, Clint says. Wouldn't you like to know? Clint says easily and takes another swig of Tony's Jim Beam. Cliiiiiint, Tony whines and elbows him in the side. Secondly, I really don't want to bed Natasha. He glances over at her, and she looks calmly back. #tonystark So we going for it, then? Clint asks, feeling way too hopeful. Tough mission? Tony says and glances at the bandage covering Clint's shoulder. Yet, here she was wide awake with a pain in her back, her baby doing what felt like flips and her stomach growling. Natasha doesn't say 'I told you so' and he appreciates it, truly does, especially since she's well entitled to because fuck. "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo," Steve says and Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, Bucky, Scott, and I take a drink. Thor looks thoroughly charmed. The other just rolls his eyes. My turn. She knew, obviously. He half wishes Phil were here so Clint could bitch at him about bad cupcake decisions, but their handler is currently in Arizona doing level 7 stuff that Clint is 'not privy to', no matter how good he is at hiding in Phil's ceiling. Sorta, Clint says. I was dirt poor in the great depression. Everyone grabs a drink and the junior team in scolded because we are trying to get the alcoholicdrinks, not like it could affect me anyways. Plus, you know, Clint has done a lot of stuff. "Never Have I Ever been a girl." Never have I ever Bruce swirls his half-emptied glass once, before looking mischievous. Absolutely, Tony says and leans heavily against the wall across from Clint. kind of way. Natasha hums in agreement, and Thor looks delighted. Also, for that matter, are we actually dating? The words make his stomach churn with nervousness, but he ignores it. He's certainly grown on everyone else who lives in this tower even Steve's stopped looking at Tony like a secondary version of his dad, and started smiling at the guy more. That was pretty above-average, Orion, and you know it.. This way, Clint can make sure that it's not hot enough to scald Tony's throat and tongue. I'm not great at relationships. Yesh. Supposedly Loki was visiting an old ally but Thor and Bruce had shared a look, knowing exactly who the god of mischief was talking about. Pepper would tell you to run in the other direction and the thing is, the thing is, Barton Clint that I don't want you to. He blinks owlishly at Clint and sways a little. Damn. Peter muttered a thank you, and the game went on. I'd like there to be not running, please. Are we dating? It's cheesy as hell, but it's been over two weeks since they last had sex without some kind of other mushy activity attached to it, and as much as they agreed about the no-strings arrangement, Clint can't help but realize that he's got quite a few strings attached to this crazy bastard by now. Right, Bruce says and pinches the bridge of his nose, the way he usually does when Tony's being insane or Clint's being an asshole. I ran away from the foster care system and lived on the streets for a while before joining the circus. It's your choice., Yeah, but Tony makes an annoyed sound and rolls over so he's facing Clint. Or I rip my clothes.. Told in two timelines, this is a story of finding both a father and a new home. But he was also spider-man, and he just couldn't help but think of the possible things he could reveal. Finally, stories regarding Asgard will not revolve around old-time talk. He can't have been sleeping more than a few minutes, because he doesn't feel rested at all. What Clint doesn't expect is for Thor and Bruce to drink; the first with his usual vigor, the latter with his eyes on the floor and color high in his cheeks. Clint buries the urge to giggle, because whose idea was this, anyway? They were all gathered in the communal room to relax. Finally he reaches the third door on the left and stumbles inside, groaning with general happiness and relief at the ready-made bed waiting for him. He knew Sally was lesbian or bi, but with MJ he didn't know. Aha! Tony says, excited and gleeful. Ok, so, never have I everperformed a strip tease, Steve said, moving the game forward. It was not my first time with a shield brother, and I would be honoured to accept any of you as bedmates. He grins widely. They went back into the elevator. He glances over at Tony, who's cheering and talking about the Chitauri invasion with Thor, and notices that the billionaire keeps glancing over at the two quietest men in the room to make sure they're having a good time. Never have I ever woken up with no idea where I was, Wanda mused. Your virtue's pr'tected., Clint, up, Natasha says. But his spidey-sense did nothing, so he guessed he was fine. Clint usually figures it's total bullshit, but in moments like these, he can't help but see Tony as a kid who just wants someone to pat him on the head and say you did good. But you can say something you have done like, 'never have I ever eaten a cheeseburger' it just means that you have to drink, like everyone else who has done that particular thing.. Ever wondered what the Avengers or the characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be as yanderes? Clint's nightmares come back, although they never really left, it was just a lot easier to forget about them with a warm body close by. And out of those two, only one can be remedied, I'm afraid. Tony sighs dramatically before he straddles Clint and brushes their lips together. I just haven't felt that way about anyone else. I healed up quickly. They fall into a brief silence, before Clint decides that fuck it, they're heading there anyway and there's no point in letting Stark have all the fun. It's a skill. And of course you didn't have any ulterior motives at all, Bruce says, smiling. But Steve smiles and nods, still looking sad but not too much. Better?. Mostly because Im messy and spill, Peter mused. You foreseeing a lot of fighting in the future, then? Clint says and raises an eyebrow at him. Your virtues are all intact. He pauses. "What! Ninja strings.. He stumbles forward and into Clint, scrabbling to get the phone back. Yeah, that'd do the trick.. Y/n grew up as most children do. There they used the Reality Stone to change one little detail. Natasha pets him on the head when Clint makes a vague noise that says he's less than thrilled with her meddling. Clint shrugs and looks over at his boyfriend? We had to steal, Wanda shrugged, seemingly uncaring. Tony and Clint were the only ones to drink. What the- are you going commando, Barton? Tony's voice is a little strangled. "We still playing or what? All I asked was that you're honest with me whether it's about us being in a relationship or fuckbuddies or something completely different. Before sex, during, after. The adults just sputter and stare at us dumbfounded. Its more comfortable without anyway., In MY suit!? Steve sighs. The Avengers were gathered in the common room, ready with bottles of booze for the drinking game of the century. He mumbles something into Clint's skin that sounds like evil assassin douchebag agent man and Clint only laughs more. He lets it go. He's also not going to reflect on where Tony has learned about shipping. You're an Asgardian. Never have I ever, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Disclaimer: the MCU and its characters are not mine. Clint remembers reading Tony's file, and how much of it had culminated in Howard Stark and Tony's father issues. Or why Clint knows about shipping. It's early enough in the morning that he can do that without a retaliatory punch. "Because the morning after we woke up in random places half-naked, we all swore that we would never smoke marijuana ever again," Luke says and this makes everyone in the junior team nod and the rest shift around. Otherwise, all bets are off. "Moving on," Steve cleared his throat and shifted in his seat "Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar." Clint blinks at the guy, who looks completely serious and still sour. It was not a mutual flirtation, and all Ill say is that it was a government official., Well color me surprised, said Tony. Then he revisits that thought and realizes what word he just used. Because you're worth it., Bruce snorts. Clint wonders, in the privacy of his own mind, if Tony actually did choose this game for team bonding and not just to determine the virginity of Captain America. Ben goes to a Clippers game with both Howard and Devi. Tony sits outside Clint's door with bleary eyes and soot all over his shirt. JARVIS won't be there to pick you up if you start choking on your own vomit.. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. 's r'lly good, 'Tasha.. It's my vanishing act." Tony could of sworn he had seen Bruce mouth 'Sugar Daddy', but that couldn't be right. Bucky wolf whistled. I don't know, I've hung out with Nat too much.". Tony brightens considerably at that. Please consider turning it on! developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. It was obviously not a good idea to play 'never have I ever' with his slightly drunk AcaDec team, but Ned had insisted he should join, especially cause; you were recently stabbed, man, you can't even go out even if you wanted to!' There's not a lot of them, not in bed, but there are a few. Nat, Sam, Clint, and Peter took a shot. Aunt May yells but I can tell it's a joke along with everyone else. I may be putting a few not field trip one shots because I feel like it but most will be field trip. Steve has a half-bottle of Captain Morgan Spiced with him, and puts it down carefully before settling. It's all right, Tony says and pats his forearm. We're best buds. He knows Natasha's bristling at 'buds', but he's just tipsy enough to get away with it for now. I feel like Captain America, for crying out loud.. Home again by CadenceIX, a good post endgame story with a less than ideal situation for peter as his friends have all aged up. "Nope, he's straight and started dating Cassidy from maths. And, I might add, the suit had a filtration system.. Oh fuck you honey bear, that was a targeted attack!. Run, he clarifies, forehead creasing. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Thor chuckles and the two of them fist-bump. They talked, at first playing Twenty One Dares, but Natasha suggested they switch to Never Have I Ever when she got bored of seeing Steve throw people across the room and Tony hadn't let Peter play (apparently the kid had no regard for his own safety). Better known as MJ. Or, 'trust' is a relative term, but yeah. For the first time, it strikes him that Tony's well within his right to kick him out. They believe that they have to detain him, but once they meet him, things dont go so well. Thor brings a keg a fucking wooden keg, ladies and gentlemen to the floor, and cracks open the lid. I'm in a tzatziki mood. All of this comes out on one, long breath, and halfway through, Tony pulls out one of his tablets and starts plotting in a search for nearby Greek restaurants. Although, a small and mean voice in his head points out, Tony's bedded half the team already, and neither Bruce nor Thor seem to have any trouble hanging out with him.

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