August 4

squad raas layerssquad raas layers

If you encounter this issue after this fix, we appreciate all player reports through discord, forums, etc. Fixed an issue with RUS Tigr and GB LPPV where the open turret hatches were transmitting damage to the vehicle hull, this will no longer happen. We have managed to make the new system up to ten times more efficient than the old Far Shadows system. Added a new map layer: Logar Seed v1 created a new map layer for server seeding. Updated landscapes are currently found on Manic-5, Mestia, Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Anvil. If a player does not have a microphone plugged in at launch, or accidentally unplug their microphone and then plug it back in, Squad needs to be restarted to get the microphone to work again This issue will likely require an engine upgrade to UE4.25 or above to be fixed. The update also brings an overhaul of how the game handles lighting. We hope that this increases the teamwork necessary to use these vehicles effectively, especially during the beginning stages of an Invasion round. optimized the LODs on the Coal Tipple Building. Fallujah RAAS v1 Adjusted vehicle layout, removing MEA Simir Kornet, replaced with BMP2 IFV. proportions on the CAF and MEA static flags. Updated Fortification POI by removing a Ural truck inside a barn to allow for potential HAB placement. Fixed the collision on the Green Bridge so that landmines are still slightly visible even when dug down. This affects the following scopes: USA M150 ACOG Rifle Scope, GB L129A1 6x Rifle Scope, GB/USA/CAF M2 Browning HMG Scope. The grass is thicker, has more variety, and includes realistic clustering of similar foliage types (such as patches of flowers). Local/Offline Bug with Commander CAS does not do damage in local. Updated autocannon projectiles ( 23mm HE and 30mm HE) to no longer have a so-called kill zone radius this radius differs from other damage radii by ignoring mesh collisions, thus causing these projectiles to penetrate armour and still damage soldiers inside vehicles. Fixed a minor issue with CAF SL Pilot & CAF SL Crewman not having tracers for their rifles. Added 2 new Narva RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Narva RAAS v2 (USA vs RUS), CAF Narva RAAS v2 (CAF vs RUS). At higher quality, textures remain at full resolution further into the distance. Skirmish v1. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket). Design Intention: This is intended to make deployables blend into the environment better, making them slightly harder to spot, especially from longer ranges and from the air. Adjusted the Mi8/Mi17 Helicopters default ammo/construction cargo split from 750/750 to 900 ammo / 600 construction. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Fixed an issue with an archway that was too low to walk under at grid H6-4-9. Fixed a minor issue with a small divot in the ground under a shed at grid D3-3-6, which looks like infantry should be able to crawl through, but actually cannot. Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with server vehicle hits to ragdoll soldiers. Design Intention: This is intended to make it harder to spot soldiers using deployables for cover. Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. Adjusted Anvil AAS v1 starting tickets to 300/300 (was 350/350). Increased the update rate of particles at all quality levels. Fixed a gameplay issue related to static map object UAZ van, the bullet collision was not working as intended. Admin Commands. RAAS v11. Fixed an issue with vehicles sometimes floating when they first spawn. . Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. Squad Lanes makes sense as an invaluable tool in RAAS layers that follow lanes such as Yehorivka RAAS V1. Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. Fixed a large Geo hole where a pipe should be located at grid K4-4-7. The fix attempt. You may want to raise or lower your graphics settings from what you used before this update. Fixed an issue with the minimap on all maps which support helicopters (using soft map boundary), the minimap appeared more dim/darker than intended. Fixed LODs before imposter on Beech/Oak trees. Various Kit icon issues Occasionally the kit and weapon in the deploy screen squad list will show up as a white square instead of the kit. This. Updated all GB SUSAT-equipped infantry weapons to have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 600m, in increments of 100m. RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. Cooldown does not affect markers placed through the map. Updated point capture speed to scale by the number of players. We have overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows and Ambient Occlusion. Capture Speed Scaling was added in v2.14. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. Adjusted the Goose Bay map camera location. Fixed an issue with CAF Manic-5 TC v1, which was incorrectly named TC v2. Fixed clipping issues/exploits with rocks at grid C4-1-3, G6-8-7. Adjusted CPs: Moved Oru Village from Cluster 2 to Cluster 1, added Kanda Court to Cluster 2. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options. Updated a few maps with an initial implementation of a new landscape shader, which allows for greatly improved landscape detail. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. GB FV510 IFV was particularly susceptible to this issue. Squad v2.15 continues Squads new release cadence, with our team working to provide more frequent updates as we move forward. The effect now smoothly fades in and out. Updated the minimap with intent to make height more readable, minimap also now features trees. Fixed a potential FOB deployment exploit on the 2nd floor inside the Warehouse. Fixed an issue with Lashkar Valley Insurgency v1, USA Helicopters were unable to resupply from their helipads. Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated. Fixed hundreds of foliage visual issues. AAS v1. Also adjusted the volume of 50cal hit sounds against a Minsk. The team has also updated and replaced most particle VFX with improved visual fidelity and major performance optimizations. Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. Adjusted deployable Razor Wire (FOB+Infantry) to no longer have any player or vehicle collision on the stakes at any build state.. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. Also. Fixed an issue where excessive landscape DFAO was applied to meshes intersecting the landscape, which manifested as a harsh line in the distance. Added a new landscape shader and new landscape textures. Fixed a gameplay issue on Skorpo TC v1 and TC v2 where the minimap did not display the gameplay border. Added Low Quality Environment toggle: Aggressively reduces maximum allowed quality of foliage and small rocks. RAAS v08. Fixed a minor audio issue with the ambient sounds on Mutaha cutting out when around the main bases/edges of the map. Pros: Large amount of hit points and good viewing angles, with a protected entry way. Ghost player in vehicle bug Occasionally entering a vehicle makes a player permanently take up a seat in that vehicle, even after they exit. In 2 . Fixed an issue for outside metal hit SFX on vehicles being too loud and sounded too far out from projectiles. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland and desert texture with maple leaves for the syrup lovers. Fixed an issue with foliage popup at close distance. Refactored Protection Zone logic for applying/removing buffs, to ensure that all vehicles (including neutral ones) will have proper buffs applied on client. Reply Side effects may include: Having fun, Getting along with other squad leads, Actual teamwork If you experience a round of squad lasting longer than 30 mins please contact Hawks and thank him for this wonderful rework. All UGL / Frags now use a new light impact sound. Added various types of additional cover to various central locations. Added WASD input zoom sensitivity scaling to open top vehicle turrets and emplacements. Fixed a minor issue with the MEA BRDM2s hubcaps using the wrong colour. The system is limited to only one player being able to stand on another at a time, to prevent giant towers of players The Squad teams focus here was to reward players who move and work together to overcome obstacles, encouraging and rewarding players who move in closer proximity and work as a squad rather than as individuals. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. . Adjusted all Technical SPG9 vehicle spawn times to now be 10min (some map layers previously had 5 or 6 minute spawn times). No change in all vanilla settings. This is a long-time legacy bug that has been difficult to reproduce reliably. Adjusted Combat Engineer Kit Role inventory razorwire to have the half built state with a single row of knee-high wire (Same as FOB razorwire). Fixed several buildings that were causing players to jump on because they were placed too high to walk up onto. Fixed an issue with Graphic settings to ensure contact shadows are always on for low and medium shadow quality. This is intended to make using these deployables more effective for defence, as well as offsetting the impact of the new muzzle flashes. more than 100 rounds if they respawn with an empty kit. Design Intention: Encourage squads to capture together, and make players aware of the benefits of having more people together on the point. Updated all Infantry Rifles and Machine Gun SFX to include new mechanical shaking/jostling sounds to soldiers when sprinting (both first- and third-person). Fixed a floating concrete platform at Shipping Yard grid G3-7-5. Redesigned to be both as unpredictable as possible, while also maintaining the sanity of those who play, Hawks RAAS Rework is a hybrid between the olden days of Full Random, and the new-school Laned RAAS. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. Players playing Squad on systems that are below our minimum specifications may find that this update does not run as well as previous versions of the game. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. Created a new shading pipeline for all grass and foliage, ensuring a more consistent and physically-accurate response to light. If you experience any issues with the latest update please contact our Support Team (Link URL). As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (Link URL). The quality and performance cost of this effect are controlled by Post Process Quality. Updated and replaced most particle VFX with improved visual fidelity and major performance optimizations. Fixed an issue on several Invasion/Insurgency map layers where the Defenders would have the wrong intro text & staging phase text. The audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. etc.) In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Fixed various foliage issues across multiple maps: Fixed Oak Cluster from having inconsistent LODs on too many vertices. Fixed a long-standing UI issue with the diamond-shaped flag state indicator on the map, where the indicator was incorrectly blinking even when neither team was capturing the flag, giving players an incorrect impression about the current capture situation. Improved Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (DFAO) and enabled at all quality levels. Squad's v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! This camo netting is semi-transparent from one side, allowing the soldier manning the defenses to be much more concealed while still having good sightlines from inside the defensive position. Fixed multiple piles of incorrectly textured boulders. Note for modders: Added the option to bypass duplicate text checks on a per-notification basis. RAAS v06. Fixed a section of a wall having broken LODs making the wall appear damaged at grid F6-4-7. Updated CAF Commander CAS to now use CF-18 rocket strike. The only vehicles which will still have damage from turret hits passed to their hull are those where the turret is an integral part of the hull (i.e. Fixed a minor visual issue with a corner brick wall asset having a bad UV material. Updated flag capture rate scaling values. Updated all muzzle flashes to be larger, brighter, and more consistent. Fixed a minor gameplay issue with a blocking volume for the sewer that was slightly blocking the street above. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). Fixed ambient reflections failing to save properly, which resulted in some maps missing pre-rendered reflections. Updated textures of most infantry weapons and HMGs, to bring them in line with a more realistic metallic look. This increases to 1.2x with 5 and 1.3x with 6, up to a maximum of 1.5x. !vote end - Gently ends the current vote and announces the winner layer. Players could also use this as a corner-piece to connect with a larger network of defensive deployables like the HASCO walls, sandbags, HMG bunkers, etc. It should be much easier to tell when getting hit by projectiles now when inside a vehicle. This will be addressed in a future update. The map was added into the game in the Alpha 14 (June 6, 2019) update. Adjusted grass heights to create less excessively high grass. Added 4 new Yehorivka RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes, for improved variability and less predictability. Fixed smoothing groups, fixed dark baked in shadows in windows &. Afterwards it becomes AAS,(assuming if you remember the next objective location). Fixed an issue with corn crops having dark leaves and dark artifacts in different LODs. Restriction zones dont block projectiles, but will kill enemy players in 8 seconds, similar to the outer map bounds. This change was done to account for the previously mentioned change to radial splash damage on vehicle gunner positions, as this kill zone radius would also damage gunner positions to that change. And it accomplishes this. Removed Eye Adaptation from all layers to reduce exploits and allow for balanced gameplay in all areas. Fixed the Scots Pine tree texture so it is less bright. Also adjusted the reticles to be more readable with higher Anti Aliasing settings. Improved the visibility of muzzle flashes. While all layers benefit from lighting changes out of the box, transitioning to a new HDRI sky-spheres is a very time-consuming process. Only the admin cam has special caster features. We have completely reworked the games handling of dynamic shadows. Updated Mestia AAS v2 this map layer now has an experimental darker than normal lighting/shadows. Updated Main Protection Zones projectile destruction logic to now always destroy projectiles, even if there is no owning player. V2.12 also features extensive overhauls to some existing maps with Yehorivka and Gorodok getting significant updates including lighting updates and new geographic features. Updated 3D SL / FTL world markers placed through the T menu or by hotkeys to have a 1.2s cooldown. This is intended for very old systems for which Low settings are still not sufficient. Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. This should hopefully remove an annoying issue that some users have with our in-game mod browser. Scaling starts when one team has an advantage of at least 4 players, which will provide a 1.1x speed multiplier. Adjusted Sumari Seed v1 map layer increased tickets to 300/300 (was 100/100), increased round timer to 4 hours (was 2 hours), decreased startup timer to 30sec (was 60sec), increased forward spawn expiration to 15min (was 10min), removed ticket gain from capturing a flag (was +20 tickets), increased the mercy bleed rate. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. Switched to more physically accurate parameters for outdoor lighting. A "lock" icon will appear over a capture zone when a team . When a player attempts to enter the vehicles turret seat, it will cause a game-breaking state (Missing Turrets Bug). Fixed vehicle spawner issues on Lashkar layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensens Range, if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope remains on the Players HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. Numerous fixes and updates to improve Squads modding SDK.These have been communicated directly to our modding community on the Squad Modding HUB Discord server. Fixed a common Server crash related to SQMapMarkerManager. Adjusted the CAF C9A2 LMG front sight to a more accurate model. Fixed a minor issue with the camo netting frame extending through the floor, at grid G8-5-7. Harju. Expanded the road network around Kropy and Zolata POIs. We noticed that there were still some untapped areas to improve performance, as well as provide better scalability options across the board including for users on lower-end hardware in our graphics menu options. Complete rework of Squads approach to dynamic shadows. Updated Yehorivka to use a new road material. Optimized the sky textures, which previously could cause system hitching on older hardware. Fixed an issue with some fences culling at too short-range at grid H10-3-5. Most AR/MG kits should now have only 1 magazine/belt when spawning with an empty kit. Fixed an issue with a bad texture assignment on certain brick walls. Overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures. This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Fallujah Fixed a few locations in sewers that still allowed. Usage To use SquadMaps, head to and begin! deployables to be placed intention is to disallow all deployables in the sewers. Here the intention is to encourage more strategic options, especially during the early stages in a round and during Double Neutral scenarios. Fixed the RUS MTLB VMK not spawning on Jensens Range v2. Fixed a minor visual issue with the viewport texture on the RUS woodland BMP-2. RAAS v09. Added a Material Quality graphics setting. Textures do not become excessively blobby at lower settings. Anti Aliasing toggle: While turning off AA is not officially supported, the menu has been redesigned with a more clear on/off toggle. Relit all tunnels with artificial lights and atmospheric effects, especially on Mestia. If you encounter any map layers with this issue after this fix, we appreciate detailed player reports thru discord, forums, etc. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. The intention is to give the Defenders a larger range of choices that they must make in the opening moments of an invasion battle, which includes a deeper risk/reward assessment. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. Clarified the requirement for Combat Engineer explosives. Adjusted the volume for the vehicle engine disabled explosion sound, which should now be decreased in volume/intensity. RAAS v05. Updated the USA/GB/CAF M136 AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT damage value. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). . RAAS v12. The capture progress bar will also be hidden to indicate the flag is no longer valid to capture. Fixed an issue with cliffs having a collision that is far off the actual terrain at grid G6-8-8. Fixed a minor issue on Yehorivka Skirmish v2 where a RUS Ammocrate was spawning on top of a shed at RUS Main. Fixed an issue on Logar AAS v1 & Logar Skirmish v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. Fixed an issue with the RUS/MEA Kord HMG emplacements stadiametric rangefinder not having accurate markings. Fixed the issue with modded custom factions causing an infinite loading screen. RAAS v08. Fixed a minor UI issue with the INS/MIL Modern Transport Pickup Truck being called Technical. Added a new experimental Tire Fire deployable for Insurgents. Potential Fix for the critical issue of players occasionally suddenly getting sent to the spawn menu screen when entering certain vehicle passenger seats (Passenger Seat Bug). If you spot any specific errors, please open an issue! Fixed a minor visual issue for helmets with the CAF Pilots helmet LOD being offset from the character, resulting in a floating helmet. Added a new deployable fortified HASCO Observation Tower for all conventional factions. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Fixed an issue with the corn crops so that their LOD transition is not as obvious. Capturing the center flag does not cause any ticket loss or ticket bleed. Fixed vehicle spawner issue on several Yehorivka layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. This led to issues with flag distances and fairness, so it was changed to a lane system. Fixed some minor visual issues with the Scots Pine bush LODs and normals. Fixed a minor issue with floating grass in the Tunnel. Updated open-top / RWS vehicle turrets (those mounted on a pivot) to no longer pass damage to the vehicles hull. Fixed Ambient Occlusion artifacts on thousands of buildings, environment objects, and foliage assets. We now achieve the desired look using lighting alone, which preserves detail. Added a road connection between Niva Upper and Train Bridge. Fixed a minor UI issue with the MIL MTLBM 6MB vehicle info card entry, the icon was inconsistent with the map icon (it was using APC rather than IFV). Fixed an issue with dithered temporal AA glass shaders. Updated and optimised deployable sandbag destruction FX. Fixed an issue with the entire inlet north of grid C11-2-8 not having water footstep SFX. Updated the vehicle tents on all Jensens Range layers to now use new neutral protection zones to destroy projectiles. Overhauled the vehicle armour mesh system to now use a new simplified process for assigning VFX and SFX. Added a new Capture Rate Indicator to the HUD Flag Status widget (in the top right of the screen). Please play Squad on a system that meets or exceeds our min spec. Updated GB FV4034 MBT main gun ammunition stores, proportionally scaling it up to the IRL specs: 25x AP, 16x HESH, 6x Smoke = Total 47. Updated the sewer entrances with blocking volumes for vehicles only, to prevent motor bikes from glitching into sewers. Local/Offline Bug with Commander UAV hovers in one position instead of moving along the flight path in local. Most night layers are now brighter in general. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. This effect simulates the dimming of ambient light in enclosed spaces like buildings and forests. Fixed a minor issue with the INS Hab lacking bullet collision on the backfaces. before taking any other troubleshooting steps. Updated the RUS/INS/MIL BRDM Spandrel to use a new firing sound. Update v3.4 for the tactical first-person shooter, Squad, is now available on Steam. Fixed an issue with multiple vehicles turret armor meshes, which were not synchronized with the actual gun and shield movement. Smoke, grass, bushes and other foliage will now be blown around when a helicopter hovers low to the ground during flybys / landings. At ease, Offworld Industries Changelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Summary Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast. Updated the way armor meshes react to damage traces from explosions. Deployment This map layer also has experimental camo netting attached to the static defenses at the Bridge Outpost CP. Cons: Very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons. Adjusted all Anvil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to 300m (was 400m) to avoid abuse of excessive helicopter spotting. Offworld Industries has launched Squad Update v2.9, debuting some major changes to ammo racks to reduce one-hit kills, a few new map layers, and a boatload of other changes. Updated binoculars with new zoom in/ zoom out sounds. Fixed an issue with Kornet Emplacement, which was not taking HAT damage properly. Improved the micro terrain across the entire landscape. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post (LINK URL). Low is now much lower, and High/Epic is much higher. Occasionally a player does not spawn at a Rally Point. Adjusted Al Basrah Skirmish v1 protection zone so MEA can build a FOB near the Mosque.

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