August 4

ravenclaw characteristicsravenclaw characteristics

Cho Chang only warmed up to Harry after Cedric Diggory's death, and while Luna Lovegood was emotionally intelligent, her oddities created distance between her and the majority of the student body. And thats why Id love to have a Ravenclaw best friend. For example, lets take a look at Hermione Granger. Because of the high standards they set for themselves and others, they tend to distance or isolate themselves and usually spend time with members from their own house. Well, when Marietta ratted out the secret organization, Dumbledores Army. For example, can you remember when Dolores Umbridge became Headmistress? This can either lead to infuriating one-sided conversations filled with riddles to lead someone else to the answer they seek, or just outright withholding knowledge. She was known as a beautiful and intelligent witch, and her chocolate frog card calls her "the most brilliant witch of her time." While Ravenclaws can be really intelligent when it comes to things like books and facts, they arent inflexible about learning and the application of knowledge. Since Ravenclaws are academically motivated and tend to excel in this area, they sometimes look down on the other witches and wizards that are not as smart as them. cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Articulate, aware, clever people give you tingly feelings in your most intimate of bits. Garrick Ollivander, famously known as the best wandmaker in the wizarding world, showed signs of talent in young adulthood at making wands. "And once again: well done on becoming a member of the cleverest, quirkiest and most interesting house at Hogwarts.". There is an idea that Hufflepuffs are the least clever of all Hogwarts students but that is not true. Those who belong to Ravenclaw house are thought to be the brainiest students at Hogwarts. They may not be as egotistical as Slytherins or as cocky as Gryffindors, but they are judgmental in their own ways. As such, Ravenclaws tend to have a wide and surprising range of interests. The Ravenclaw colours are blue and bronze, the emblem is an eagle, the Head of House is Professor Filius Flitwick and the common room sits at the top of Ravenclaw Tower behind an enchanted knocker. Ravenclaws learn quickly, and you'll soon enjoy the challenges the door sets. This was evidenced by Luna Lovegood, who held her own as a fourth year in a duel against the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries during Order of the Phoenix. So whats wandcraft got anything to do with memory, you ask? Just so they could get the top marks in a test or a course. However, their strong academic intellect does not necessarily define the Ravenclaw house it is their desire to gain knowledge at every opportunity. For example, we know that Ravenclaw house wanted the smartest wizards. And can you guess who pieced the clues together? Each founder had something different that they treasured in their students, and used the magical Sorting Hat to help determine where each Hogwarts student fit best. Even so, not all Ravenclaws were motivated by academic prowess. Air People from Ravenclaw House have a sharp wit and quick tongue that can make them very fun to be around. (Remember to discover your own wand right here.). A temporary professor at Hogwarts, And while he wasnt particularly good at remembering stuff. Being cunning and using their guile to their advantage to manipulate people sounds like Slytherin, not Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw came fourth for the fourth house cup with 24,567,337 points. They make a quick 180 turn when anything harms their academic success. What does that even entail? Like with the three other houses, there are plenty of negative Ravenclaw traits that the house has to keep in check alongside positive ones like wittiness and creativity. What are the Zodiac Signs of a Ravenclaw?Gemini. Both Geminis and Ravenclaws are curious, clever, and witty. They adapt well to any situation and are both highly intelligent.Libra. Libras and Ravenclaws are very creative and have a thirst for knowledge and learning. Cancer. Ravenclaws and cancers are independent and self-reliant but also loyal to the ones they love. Many also exhibit the traits of being disciplined and dependable. Head of Ravenclaw house and Hogwarts Charms master, Filius Flitwick taught Hogwarts students the importance of enunciating their spells correctly although Hermione helped. Just so a Ravenclaw can get a leg up on you. And with people like Luna Lovegood with them. And no matter how long ago a time that was. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, and most innovative wizards and witches the world has ever known. 1. Because that positivity ties back into your self-confidence. Looking to get the most our of your relationships with others? RELATED: 10 Dumbest Things The Ravenclaws Ever Did In Harry Potter. IntelligenceWitWisdomCreativityOriginalityIndividualityAcceptanceSharpness, The Sorting Hat, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Ravenclaws are also known for being rather creative and ingenious. Oh yes, our house ghost is the Grey Lady. Ravenclaws are the Hogwarts intellectuals, the dreamers. Ravenclaws are the most open minded but not tolerant, hufflepuffs are most tolerant but not open minded. Its just 1 of the worst traits Ravenclaws tend to have. Minerva McGonagall was a Hatstall, having approximately equal Ravenclaw and Gryffindor traits; the Sorting Hat finally sorted her into Gryffindor. He's the punch line of a lot of wizarding jokes. Ravenclaws are well-known for their wit, wisdom, cleverness, intellectual ability and creativity. Harry Potter: The 8 Most Admirable Ravenclaw Traits (& The 8 Worst), 10 Dumbest Things The Ravenclaws Ever Did In Harry Potter, Moaning Myrtle may not be the happiest ghost, The 5 Most Admirable Gryffindor Traits In Harry Potter (& The 5 Worst), Harry Potter: The 10 Most Evil Ravenclaw Characters, 5 Reasons Luna Should Have Been In Gryffindor (& 5 She Was Rightfully Placed In Ravenclaw), Harry Potter: 10 Things About Ravenclaw House That Make No Sense. Then dont be too worried if you face tough battles alone. WebRELATED: 10 Dumbest Things The Ravenclaws Ever Did In Harry Potter BEST: Ravenclaws Are Witty . The most obvious example of this is in the best traits of Luna Lovegood as she tends to be very individualistic in how she looks and expresses herself. And their knack of being witty is unrivaled by any other Hogwarts house. And many of us learn that poking our noses in everything will only get us into trouble. Ravenclaw house crest. Well, it was a Horcrux. Even though Lord Voldemort came out of Slytherin, he would not have been able to rise again without the help of Ravenclaw alum Quirinus Quirrell. Theyre not all bad, but youd do well to be on your guard until you know them well. Ravenclaw has an aesthetically pleasing design for its emblem and its common room. In short: People who get really into whatever they're into. For you, clothes are just another way to be creative and it's not an opportunity you want to miss out on. Because she also had the traits of a Ravenclaw. They are very competitive academically, and they are also diligent and attentive friends, leaders, and teachers. [28] Many Ravenclaws (such as Cho Chang) joined Dumbledore's Army and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts along with Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. As stereotypes go, they sometimes get mistreated because of how they look (Moaning Myrtle) or how they act (Luna Lovegood). One of the best Ravenclaw traits is wittiness. [19], Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw House prized learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members. One of the core Ravenclaw characteristics is wit. Ravenclaw came third for the first house cup with 71,815,917 house points. And if you need someone who can blend good reasoning with a hilarious comeback. While all the Hogwarts houses can stick to their own (though Hufflepuff traits are especially guilty of this) and be a bit judgmental, Ravenclaws do so in a way that is a bit colder and removed. For instance, can you recall Hermione schooling Ron about spells? of the Hogwarts Houses Characteristics Gryffindor house is where you would find the pluckiest and most daring students (theres a reason the house symbol is the brave lion). Others, like Luna, are less arrogant because they simply do not care how they compare to others. Pottermore Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. But most Harry Potter fans tend to forget her line of work. And can you guess what form Hermiones Boggart took? Considering the fact that Ravenclaw is all about intellect, its not surprising that this can lend itself to one of the worst Ravenclaw traits, perfectionism. Ravenclaw Traits However, it was no secret that she resented Harry even after he tried to teach her certain spells in Dumbledores Army. Exceedingly accomplished at Charms, Professor Flitwick was reportedly also a duelling champion in his youth. Why Wasnt Hermione Granger in Ravenclaw? That's why most of the wizards and witches placed in Ravenclaw like Luna, Professor Quirrell, and Cho Chang were known for being timid. And thats why theyre 1 of, if not the most hard-working and intelligent wizards in the world. Five Admirable Ravenclaw Traits. What Traits Describe a Ravenclaw? Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Traits Ravenclaws can be a bit fussy and nitpicky. However, Ravenclaws tend to take it too far. Well, the Ministry took drastic measures to protect Hogwarts from him. They can also be quirky and possess unusual intellectual interests. To put it lightly, everyone hated how she ran Hogwarts. Ravenclaws label these wizards and witches as inferior. So even if they can think outside the box to learn new stuff. Another example would be Professor Filius Flitwick, a half-goblin who might have faced scorn for his short stature earlier in life but went on to become a renowned Duelling Champion, and subsequently one of the finest and most knowledgable Charms Masters in the entirety of the wizarding world during his employment at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ravenclaw Traits This kind of hyper-focused obliviousness is definitely a Ravenclaw trait. Ravenclaws are known for their wisdom, cleverness, and wit. Sometimes they are mocked or ridiculed because of how much they care about schooling. 1 of the powerful magical artifacts that made Voldemort immortal. Because they didnt shy away from backstabbing fellow Ravenclaws. They had some of the biggest perfectionists in the wizarding world. In fact, theyve got quite the calculating side too. The Ravenclaw Common Room does not appear in, Ravenclaw is the only House from which no, No Ravenclaw student Sortings are shown in the. Rowena valued learning, so she chose students who demonstrated cleverness and wisdom. We can imagine youre the kind of person who is always one step ahead, has a dark sense of humour, thinks reputation is important, takes pride in their appearance and doesnt let anyone see their soft side. And she didnt consider the bigger picture of what it would mean for the D.A. While Ravenclaws are intelligent and usually have good intentions, they sometimes use their guile to their advantage to manipulate people. Rowena Ravenclaw founded Ravenclaw House. For example, we can look to Professor Sybill Patricia Trelawney. Ravenclaws and cancers are independent and self-reliant but also loyal to the ones they love. We tend to rely too much on the first piece of information given to us, almost like our mind is anchored and we int, On the Psychology of Your Harry Potter House, On Why Its Annoying When People Copy You. So she could receive visions of the future. Fair Ravenclaw, from glen was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, known for her outstanding intelligence and creativity. There is an allure to something magical like the Sorting Hat to know you better than you know yourself, revealing your true nature to you through house assignment. They rose at almost the exact moment as the Hufflepuffs and turned their wands upon Pansy Parkinson and Slytherin House in Harry Potter's defence when the former wished to hand Harry over to Lord Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters.[10]. General Hufflepuff traits are trustworthy and kind, which can be a double-edged sword. Ravenclaws are characterized by their brilliance, creativity, wit, and originality. However, the Sorting Hat did admit that she was almost placed into Ravenclaw instead. We're all on Goodreads. Some of these eventually also ended up being not only accepted but even celebrated, in spite of being initially subjected to scorn for their various oddities. So are you a Gilderoy or a Luna? According to Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley, Ravenclaws are so competitive when it comes to academic success that they are known to back stab each other, and likely other students, in order to get top marks. They seem the most likely to care about aesthetics as well as doing things the right or "perfect" way. In fact, thats 1 of the best attitudes of a Ravenclaw. Contact Us - Harry Potter: The 5 Most Admirable Ravenclaw Traits (& What made Ravenclaws better than any other Hogwarts House. He may not be clever or brave in the way everyone thinks he is, but he's not dumb when it comes to business and public image. Because Luna had a habit of losing focus mid-conversation. The entrance to the dormitories behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. If I had a criticism, Id say Gryffindors tend to be show-offs. Cho Chang actually took her friends side. So given all their time studying and learning. Hufflepuff is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students. However, Ravenclaws being secretive does get in the way sometimes. One of the students that already passed the ceremony with the sorting hat is Luna Lovegood. She's so dedicated to expanding her knowledge of the lesser-known magics that she even notice that she doesn't fit in. Luna Lovegood[11]Sybill Trelawney[12]Marcus Belby[13]Cho ChangMyrtle WarrenPadma PatilTerry BootMichael CornerRoger DaviesAnthony GoldsteinMarietta EdgecombeRobert HilliardUric the OddballGilderoy Lockhart[14]Penelope ClearwaterLisa TurpinMorag MacDougalMandy BrocklehurstNanette DesfordMaria GlossopHelena RavenclawFilius FlitwickMillicent BagnoldQuirinus Quirrell[15]Garrick Ollivander[16]Sue LiS. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Ravenclaws are highly intelligent and shine academically. For example, well have to use Hermione Granger again. While others may be inclined to shun and ridicule such people, Ravenclaws generally accept and celebrate these eccentrics, such as Luna Lovegood. While Ravenclaws have a lot of positive traits, such as their intelligence and creativity, their introverted nature, and perfectionism they can also make the more judgemental. They definitely think they are smarter and more put together than students from other houses. They are also friendly and very protective of their friends and family. Shouldnt Ravenclaws be open-minded because theyre creative?. On top of that, we also have Gilderoy Lockhart. Without having to double-check an encyclopedia. There are a bunch of benefits to being independent. The Great Hall with the Ravenclaw banners raised, Symbol of Ravenclaw as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, The Ravenclaw House point hourglass as seen in the console versions of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game). She knows when Harry needs company, and she senses when he needs space. Everyone was busy trying their best to defend the school. For example, Luna Lovegood might come off as cold sometimes. Shes particularly useful if youre lost, or youve mislaid something. In fact, there are a lot of excellent qualities the Sorting Hat looks for in potential Slytherins and Merlin himself even belonged to this misunderstood house! Maybe you obsessively follow U.S. foreign policy. Nobody can beat Ravenclaws in that department. We're going to get all the info on Ravenclaw." Gilderoy Lockhart A fellow Ravenclaw instructor at Hogwarts. NEXT: The Best Harry Potter Students In Ravenclaw Ranked By Their Grades. If you were lucky enough to be sorted into this house, we can imagine youre the type of person who has a strong moral compass, always works hard, is the most loyal friend, knows it is the taking part that counts and always has the best snacks. Ravenclaw | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom Did the Ministry officials act with the same urgency? We not only accept off-beat eccentrics for who they are but welcome them into our lives with open arms. "I think thats nearly everything. So what makes it a good trait among Ravenclaws, you ask? [1] Members of this house were characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom. Members Community content is available under. Ravenclaw House appeared to have little rivalry with the other houses, except in Quidditch. Harry Potter: The 8 Most Admirable Ravenclaw Traits Curiosity also makes you foolish, so that would contradict being wise. It is unknown whom he succeeded. He wrote a book detailing all of his interactions with Dark creatures and dangerous experiences and then proceeded to boast about himself until we find out he was lying the entire time. Shes simply using her sob story to manipulate people. But did you know theyre just as creative too? And according to Gemma Farley, a Slytherin prefect. Plain old jeans and a t-shirt aren't going to cut it for you (unless you accessorize with, like, a tiara or something). In fact, it's worth pretending you're in a real state just to see them jive. When in reality, other Hogwarts houses can have intelligent people too. Luna is a good example of this, and its a shame that other characters who are in Ravenclaw arent explored more. Its symbol, What use is speaking in subtlety if it doesnt get the point across? The intelligence of a Ravenclaw can manifest in many ways, and for some people in this house, creativity is a big part of how they see themselves and express themselves in the world. However, many other Ravenclaws, such as Cho Chang, also display their individualism. This house crest boasts Ravenclaws signature colours of blue and bronze. They are known for creativity, wisdom, and acceptance. 2 Kageyama Tobio Uses Ravenclaw Traits To Excel At Volleyball (Haikyuu!!) Some of the wizarding worlds best and brightest belonged to this house Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore are just a couple that spring to mind! Well, unlike poking their noses into other peoples business. Ravenclaw came third for the first house cup with 71,815,917 house points. Erasmus was almost certainly a Ravenclaw. While Ravenclaws seem to have endless reserves of knowledge and wit, they can use this to their advantage in a bad way. Not to mention embrace their different quirks. All he needs is to see the wand to know its rightful owner. Perhaps you marathon watch David Attenborough documentaries or have a blog about Game of Thrones fashion. Ravenclaws would resort to some of the worst tactics. Hufflepuff House Personality Traits: Good and Bad. Instead of being afraid of these creatures, and the fact that only she could see them, she merely reacted to them with wonder and awe. Garrick Ollivander A Gryffindor, mind you, but just as big a Ravenclaw as well. One had to climb a tight spiral staircase to get there. You may be surprised that Hermione Grainger was sorted into Gryffindor when these traits seem to describe her. Ghost This can make for some entertaining scenes in the movies, as well as some interesting clashes of character. Ravenclaw - Hogwarts Legacy Wiki Guide - IGN [23], Isolt Sayre, founder of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, wanted to be a Ravenclaw as a child, but never got to attend Hogwarts. Ravenclaws are characterized by their brilliance, creativity, wit, and originality. Since Ravenclaws are by nature inquisitive and analytical, seeking to understand something from as many angles as possible, it makes a lot of sense that they would be nerdy. Some are outgoing and flamboyant (ex. Youve got to make sure the topics were interesting. Ravenclaws are the Hogwarts intellectuals, the dreamers. A lot of Ravenclaws were pretty good at remembering stuff. Related: Harry Potter: 9 Ravenclaw Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Their Personality. In fact, shes probably the weirdest Ravenclaw we ever got to see on the big screen. Gryffindors havent got our intellectual curiosity, whereas weve got no problem if you want to spend your days and nights cracking eggs in a corner of the common room and writing down your predictions according to the way the yolks fall. If the riddle is especially difficult, large groups of students may congregate outside the door as they try to figure it out. Founder A thing that frightened a wizard or witch the most. 5 Ravenclaw Characteristics To Be Proud Ravenclaws are known for their knowledge and smarts, but intuition is also one of the great Ravenclaw traits. While it is true that a lot of dark witches and wizards were sorted into Slytherin, not all who belong to this house are bad. "As for our relationship with the other three houses: well, youve probably heard about the Slytherins. A thirteenth-century witch and celebrated inventor of Floo powder. A type of magic that was fierce and mostly used to cause harm. [6] Thus, many Ravenclaws tended to be academically motivated and talented students. This content may contain references to copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Because it can help push you to do better. The Grey Lady also known as Helena Ravenclaw, is the Ravenclaw ghost. Looking to maximize your performance at work? Garrick Ollivander, a well-known wand seller, Ravenclaws tended to be curious about the world and paid attention to the world around them. The following translations have changed the name: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This is another one of the positive Ravenclaw traits that manifests in many ways. In fact, I'd advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower. Doesn't that mean you're dead. The four Harry Potter Hogwarts houses each have unique traits that befit their houses here are the best and worst Ravenclaw traits. Ravenclaw built her house on the ideals she valued and embodied intelligence and creativity. Ravenclaw House Personality Traits: Good and Bad But as for how they respect rules and traditions. According to the original Pottermore welcome letter, when Ravenclaws are extremely upset he makes little cupcakes do a dance to cheer them up. They may love to study, but their learning isn't just by rote or from books they are also some of the most intuitive students at Hogwarts, with a deep understanding of how things work. Ravenclaw is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The ghost of Ravenclaw tower is called the Grey Lady a beautiful but haughty young woman with waist-length hair, decked in a cloak. So we can thank their intelligence for helping beat the Dark Lord.

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