August 4

micrococcus luteus biochemical testsmicrococcus luteus biochemical tests

// They grow in circular, entire, convex, and usually non-pigmented or cream white colonies with diameters of approximately 4 mm after 2-3 days on the plate at 37C. Micrococci can often carry plasmids that provide the organism with useful traits. This can occur due to the presence of a reduced number of, Most of the Micrococcus infections are discovered through the process of elimination along with the presence of the abundant Micrococcus tetrads in the lesions or cysts. The conflicting results of the metagenome binning and the catalase test influenced this mistake. The colony morphology of being yellow, shiny and smooth line up perfectly with M. luteus (Public Health England). Each genus lends itself to a separate tutorial. I used the Kirby-Bauer, or disk diffusion test to test for this, described in lab handout 9. About half of the Micrococcus luteus gram stain was found to carry plasmids of about one to 100MDa in size. Recently, as an opportunistic pathogen, this organism was recognized and it has been implicated in recurrent bacteremia, septic arthritis, septic shock, endocarditis, intracranial suppuration, meningitis, and cavitating pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients. Members of the Staphylcocci can be differentiated based on production of the enzyme coagulase. I am an associate professor in the Clinical Laboratory Science program at Wayne State University. The bacterium also colonizes the mouth, mucosae, oropharynx, and upper respiratory tract. They are fairly small as well, usually about a millimeter in diameter and of a normal height. After observation of the colony and microscopic morphology, the production of catalase by the isolate is documented. Some of the species of Micrococcus, such as M. luteus which is yellow in colour, and M. roseus which is red. Wikipedia also says that Micrococcus luteus is an obligate aerobe, backing up what my results show (2019). The nasal cavity microbiota of healthy adults. Know more about our courses. The categorization of bacteria in the clinical laboratory is based on the reactivity of the organism when stained by the Grams staining reagents. Staphylococcus epidermidis contains cytochrome c which leads to turned purple after oxidation. Micrococcus luteus was formerly known as Micrococcus lysodeikticus. They are also catalase-positive and often weakly oxidase-positive ( modified oxidase test positive). Organisms commonly found on the body include Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, and Corynebacterium species (Dermnet New Zeland). Growth can produce colonies of a certain size and consistency, as well as pigmentation. Last updated: August 10, 2022 by Sagar Aryal. They are generally strict aerobes and these can generally reduce nitrate concentration. The taxonomic assignment of this microbe was micrococcus luteus because it was the only bin that PATRIC gave. Unlike other actinobacteria, M. luteus expresses only one resuscitation-promoting factor that is required for the emergence from dormancy and has few other dormancy-related proteins. Required fields are marked *. Biochemical Tests in Microbiology Student Name Date 1 Lot Number(s) Record the lot numbers for each bacterial . Another set of tests that I performed were physiological tests, including testing for oxygen class with fluid thyoglycate, checking for catalase using hydrogen peroxide, checking for cytochrome c oxidase using oxidase test strips, and using an API 20 E test strip to test for various different physiological traits such as Sulphur reduction, which had 20 different tests. My goal in this experiment was to isolate, characterize and identify a bacterial colony that arose from a sample taken from my roommates nose. Bacillus megaterium fermented sugars but didn't grow in the anaerobic area of the butt. It is an aerobic exopolysaccharide producing bacteria that may be found on the skin, mouth and sometimes in the throat of mammals 13,14. appear as agents of infection causing endocarditis. They also produce yellow or pink colonies when they are grown on the mannitol salt agar, micrococcus flavus, M. terreus, and M. yunnanensis. The first control consisted of plates of agar-agar to test sterility. Micrococcus lutues are Gram positive cocci that are 0.5 to 3.5 m in diameter and arranged in tetrads or irregular clusters. These discrepancies could be due to human error, unpure culture, or an old agar plate. Luteus is an obligate aerobe (medical. They grow in circular, entire, convex, and creamy yellow-pigmented colonies with diameters of approximately 4 mm after 2-3 days at 37C. Basics of Differentiation of Gram Positive Cocci, The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, Challenges in Blood Group Alloantibody Detection, Clinical Applications of Complement Testing, Collecting Blood from Patients with Vascular Lines, Diagnosis of Syphilis Using the Reverse Algorithm, Liquid Chromatography LC Basics and Separation Techniques, Liquid Chromatography Separation Mechanisms, Optimal Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies, Pharmacogenetics for Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions, Sensitivity Specificity and Predictive Values in Diagnostic Testing, Transfusion Support in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant, Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing, Commission on Accreditation in Clinical Chemistry. 2023 | All Rights Reserved, Blog: Microbiology and infectious disease, Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test: Introduction, Result, Unit, Normal Range, Test Method, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes, Anti -TPO Antibody: Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Normal Range, Assaying Method, and Keynotes, HPV Genes detection using Real-Time PCR: Introduction, Principle, Test Requirements, Procedure, Result Interpretation and Keynotes, Microbiology Reporting Techniques: Introduction, List of Templates, and Keynotes, Acetamide Utilization Test: Introduction, Composition, Principle, Test Requirements, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, Limitations, and Keynotes,,,, For the detection of oxidase enzyme, filter paper circular disks impregnated with tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride in dimethyl sulfoxide are used. It did not reduce sulphur, digest gelatin, or reduce nitrate, among some of the more interesting tests, which all disagree with M. luteus. Kaiju webserver metagenome binning analysis chart. The coagulase test is performed by mixing a sample of organism with rabbit plasma. Micrococcus luteus Grown on BrainHeart Infusion Agar, Klebsiella characteristics on MacConkey Agar, Clinical Case Leukocyte Vacoulation Bacterial Infection, Segmented neutrophilic granulocyte during degradation, DIC (Disseminated intravascular coagulation), Creatinine Phosphate Kinase (CPK) and CK-MB Overview. I performed a Gram stain test to identify if the bacterium was gram negative or positive, as described in the Lab 4 handout. You can change these settings at any time, but that may impair functionality on our websites. The differentiation is based on the detection of the oxidase enzymes. The positive catalase result lines up with M. luteus (Public Health England). All of these are described in the lab 6 handout and were kept in the incubator at 38 degrees Celsius. This is in agreement with a study by Mohana et al., (2013) who reported that the carotenoid pigments had antioxidant properties of Micrococcus luteus was reported at IC50 of 4.5mg/ml, also the . Discussion: When looking at all of the results for my isolate, they are not all consistent with Micrococcus luteus. A positive test leads to the development of blue or purple-blue on the disc within two minutes. Alpha-hemolytic colonies often assume a greenish hue. If acid is produced, the pH indicator will turn yellow. Finally I used different antibiotic disks to check for its resistance to antibiotics, using Gentamicin, Cefoperazone, Vancomycin, Tobramycin, Amikacin, Trimethoprim, Oxacillin, and Cefazdin. (2) Micrococcus spp. M. luteus is found in the soil, dust, water, and human skin flora. M. luteus present on the human skin can transform compounds present in sweat into compounds with an unpleasant odour. The fluid thioglycallate test showed that the bacteria was an obligate aerobe because the growth was concentrated at the top of the tube in the pink region. This would be read K/NC. The typical microscopic morphology of the Gram-positive cocci when using the Grams stain is represented in these three images. With this almost universal range of survivable living conditions that microbes can live in (particularly bacteria), it would be reasonable to assume that there would be at least one variety living in such a nice, wet, and aerated place as my shower drain. // . The oxygen class of the microbe, obligate aerobe, matches up with the predictions I had made about it because the bacteria was originally sourced in a nostril. The agglutinability of the cells with antiserum containing anti-teichuronic acid antibody was examined. If the agar plate is held up to a light source, you can sometimes see through the agar, as is pictured on the left. I then transferred the pure culture into a TSB slant to preserve it, keeping it at around 3 degrees Celsius in the lab refrigerator. The differentiation is based on the detection of the oxidase enzymes. When a drop of peroxide is placed on catalase-producing bacteria, bubbles appear when the oxygen gas is formed. They are considered as normal comensal of human skin and upper respiratory tract. J Gen Microbiol 30(1963)409-427 . Abstract Micrococcus luteus IFO 3333 cells, both treated with chemical reagents and non-treated, were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). luteus is rarely found to be responsible for infections. Reaction: To test for the presence of alpha amylase, a starch hydrolysis test can be performed. The bacterium also colonizes the human mouth, mucosae, oropharynx and upper respiratory tract. It has survived for at least 34,000 to 170,000 years, as assessed by 16S rRNA analysis, and possibly much longer. This microbe forms large, round colonies. The genera Staphylococcus, Micrococcus and Sarcina were recognized. Streptococci and enterococci are observed to produce pairs and chains of cocci of varying length. They are positive for catalase and oxidase ( modified).

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