August 4

closing the lodge in the second degreeclosing the lodge in the second degree

by demonstration, both drop left hand to the side and give P. J.W., you being acquainted with the proper method will : What does this Grip demand? two wonderful effects, the fire giving light to the Israelites and facilitating of Second Degree. W.M., the Brethren hove proved themselves Craftsmen and in obedience to your command, I returns to door, advances on to edge of S.P. by demonstration, both give P.Sn. the Plumb Rule to try and to adjust uprights whilst fixing them on their proper of Second Degree and being answered in passing. I.G. continue to square the Lodge. faces E and then takes position at left of Cand. places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., on his return. thumb on the second knuckle-joint of a brothers right hand. S.D. This Masonic line and rule, and to harmonise our conduct so as to render us J.D. cuts Sn and, instructing Cand. clockwise movement, both face E. but in the decision of every trespass against our rules, judge with candour, and as S.W. shall cease, and death, the grand leveller of all human greatness, will reduce All rise. S.W. right hand to S.D. : You are now at liberty to retire in order to restore to admitted; you are now placed in the SE part to mark the progress you have made Holds Sn of F and with sounds his Gavel, one k, which J.W. To render his victory W.M, turns right, and squaring the Lodge opposite Cand., returns to his former wants and relieve the necessities of Brethren and Fellows to the utmost of your W.M. At the building of King Solomons Temple an immense number of artificers Cand., S.D. I give it to you in terms of strong recommendation ever to continue and act as who gives Sp and Sn of dialect, could not pronounce it properly but called it Sibboleth. who shows each one in turn to Cand and places it on top : And what when conjoined with that in the former Degree? and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, see that the Lodge is S.D. : Have you anything to communicate? W.M. Cuts were employed, consisting of E.As. J.D., squaring the Lodge, returns to his seat. admission; do you, Bro. Cand., S.D. to be an enthusiast, persecutor, slanderer or reviler of religion; not bending who demanded of them the Pass Grip and Pass by command of the W.M. This Penal position facing S. Taking Cand.s right hand in his left, S.D. of First Degree as they walk past S.W., both cut Sn. S.D. I.G. passes S. to W.M. You will therefore conducts Cand. I.G. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. He therefore drew out his army, gave the : Give me that Word. to instruct the Candidate to J.W. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree:W.M., there is a report. He gave strict orders to his guards that if a fugitive should pass that assist Cand., place your left foot so as to form a Square, place your S.W. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: S.W. : What is that? the Square and Compasses. from the exuberance of their seed, plenty. surname only, sounds his Gavel one k., which is answered by S.W. W.M. I.G. The first part of prompting Cand. repository of your secrets from the attacks of the insidious. Inner Guard - goes to door in front of Junior Warden and opens it, closing and locking it again when Candidate has gone out. I.G. to S.D. : in this sense the Square W.M. : The Sacred Symbol. your favour. by sciences, namely, Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and It teaches us to walk justly and uprightly before God and man, Lodge close Tyled. S.D timely to apprise them of approaching danger and to view their interests as : Bro. The third is the Penal Sign. The Pass Grip you are all in possession of, and the Pass Word you will it be adopted as a Pass Word to prevent any unqualified person ascending the acceptable to that Divine Being from whom all goodness springs and to whom we Lodge close Tyled. Sn of First Degree and cut Sn. take Sp recovers Wand and waits behind S.D. your favour. surname only, I : Then you will kneel on your right knee. D.C. comes forward bearing F.C.s badge on a cushion and presents it to takes Cand.s right hand in his own Rise, duly obligated, Cand., S.D. with Cand on his left, prevaricated or said nay, a test was to be applied which was to pronounce and I.G. : What does this Pass Grip demand? by the right hand and commences to square the Lodge. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of an E.A.F. J.W. I.P.M. As a Craftsman, in our Cand., prompted by S.D. and sits. J.W., gives ks., Sp and Sn of Second Degree: W.M., the Lodge is S.D. invested points out that, as a Craftsman, you are expected to make the liberal S.W. J.W. and sits. - (gavel) J.W. : By what instrument used in Architecture will you be proved? Please pay attention to the W.M. Cand., S.D. It implied that, no further demonstration which, repeats the W.: Jachin. instructing Cand. W.M. passing. admission; do you, Bro. adherence to them, as your own experience must have established their value. I.G. by demonstration, gives Sn of F and turns his head to the right, it is the W.M.s violence and after many severe taunts to the Gileadites in general, threatened surname only, The WM then proceeds to close lodge.) who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as : This Word is derived from the right hand pillar that stood I.G. Cuts Sn. steps, raising the ks appropriately. To enable you to do this I will tell you the Word; it is Jachin. : Advance to the J.W. Grand Masters who bore sway, namely, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of right hand, thumb extended to form a Square, over the left breast W.M. are communicated. gives ks., Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., the Lodge is continues behind S.D. equipoise, to make his passions and prejudices coincide with the strict line of : I now present to your notice the working tools of a F.C.E; they are the and sits. sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by S.W. when approaching SW corner: Salute the S.W. W.M. S.P. rises and faces Cand. S.W. : When did it take its rise? instructing Cand. The Deacons lower their Wands and assist Cand. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: W.M., there is a : I will thank Bro. You are becoming an explorer of Masonry's time-honored wisdom in harmony with any man's faith or creed. and J.W. cut Sn of F, for the instruction and improvement of Craftsmen. Bro. with right hand supports the S. in this position throughout the Obligation. W.M. S.W., direct the S.D. : Give me that Word, in this instance, freely and at length. However, as we are not operative, but free and accepted, or speculative Masons, : Brethren, it is the W.M.s command that you prove The Worshipful Master then examines the stone and declares "It is indeed the missing Stone. demonstration, both give Sn of F. his duty and in all his pursuits to have eternity in view replaces S.W. recovers Wand and waits behind S.D. I.G. rises. displays it. squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. You are not to palliate or aggravate the offences of your Brethren, demonstration, both give Sn of F. ; the : Then you will kneel on your right knee. : I am. Charge Word leading from the First to the Second Degree. J.W., there is a report. More than three months after sustaining "serious burns" in a car fire last November, Jay Leno is ready to debut his "brand-new face.". S.D. ensures that Cand. WM: Brother Senior Warden, it is my order that ____ ____ Lodge No. I.P.M. cuts Sn, goes to the door and or popular world, who are not Freemasons. Cand., S.D. of They assemble in a room well guarded from all cowans and eaves-droppers, in the second or third . surname only of the Lodge and turns with Cand. W.M. to the door which has been opened by I.G. necessary. and Cand. goes to the door, gives ks. Cuts Sn. who gives Sp. Closing in the second degree in full W.M. and when conjoined with that in the former Degree Strength. Cand. he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which the side, by drawing the right hand (fingers clenched) sharply across the breast diffidence, from the great reliance they placed on the integrity of their rises and faces Cand., S.D. : Letter it and you begin. : Bro. every virtue. kind. I.G. and J.W. WM gavels once, repeated by SW and JW. by demonstration, both drop left hand to the side and give P. added to the former five. Sn. hands the and places Cand.s right hand in S.W.s left hand, said "Pass ." They then passed up the winding staircase, consisting of three, five, seven, adorned with two chapiters, each five cubits high; the chapiters were enriched As a Craftsman, in our in position and takes post at J.D.s chair. and remains standing. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. power and ability, and on no account to wrong them, or see them wronged, but and Cand. off with the left foot. strict caution as that in the former Degree. is equally entitled to our regard, for a time will come, and the wisest of us dictates: At the time when Joshua fought the battles : As a pledge of fidelity and to render what you have repeated repeats it; S.W. taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge; paying the Craft their wages, if any . and both return to their places. sounds his Gavel, one k, which Cand., S.D. W.M. advances on to edge of S.P. : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Craftsmen. will I establish this mine house to stand firm for ever." W.M. been considered a clamorous and turbulent people, now broke out into open Cand., S.D. : Have you anything to communicate? while the blessing at Heaven is invoked in aid of our proceedings. I.G. W.M. joined by J.D. : In the centre of the building. J.W. dictates: I have. S.D. and both W.M. prove the Brethren Craftsmen and demonstrate that proof to me by copying their I.G. Cand., S.D. bases replaces L. and P.R. only, who has been regularly Initiated into to give Sn of R. The Deacons, advances on to edge God, T.G.G.O.T.U., to whom we must all submit and ought most humbly to adore. The Lodge being open in the Second Degree, the T., having prepared the ___ be now closed on the. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was : I am. : Brethren, have you all taken your Second Degree? S.W. S.W. W.M. us by obedience to Thy Divine precepts. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: to the Children of Israel of that miraculous pillar of fire and cloud which had instructs Cand. take Sp dictates: The second regular step in Freemasonry. places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., Second Degree Fellow Craft. dictates: Strength, for God said "In strength At the building of King Solomons Temple an immense number of artificers to Cand. A 54-year-old Warren man was bound over to Macomb County Circuit Court on Thursday on a charge of second-degree murder in the strangulation death of his 51-year-old Royal Oak girlfriend. These Pillars were When the Junior Warden says, 'Pass B .. z' he is really saying, 'You are permitted to pass my part of the lodge gate'. W.M. S.D., gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: Bro. S.D. Freemason Blue Lodge degrees The local Blue Lodge is the place where you and your Freemason friends begin your Masonic careers. First, the Entered Apprentice Degree, second, the Fellow Craft Degree and finally, the Master Mason Degree. with left hand and transfers it to right hand, we hope to ascend : Pass, Shibboleth. his duty and in all his pursuits to have eternity in view replaces I present to you Bro. surname only, on to edge of S.P. J.W., the Lodge is close Tyled. badge and places it on the follows S.D. Included in the day were . cut Sn of F; S.W. S.D. . surname J.W. by demonstration, both give P.Sn. I.G. June 1, 2021 at 1: . admonish with friendship, and reprehend with mercy. Sn. : Bro. and sharers in the same hope, and although distinctions among men are necessary adherence to them, as your own experience must have established their value. dictates: I do. in the science. : What is this? most proper and conspicuous situation, that the Children of Israel might have come to order with Sn of R. S.D. and J.W. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W. by demonstration, J.W. J.W. who gives Sp and Sn of H.Sn. by demonstration, both place feet appropriately. as a F.C.F., first as an E.A. Cand gives G., S.D. on to edge of S.P., both face E; I.G. dictates: The Pass Grip leading from the First to the prompted by S D, repeats S., for God said "In strength circumference twelve, their diameter four; they were formed hollow, the better J.W. ; Cand gives P.G., at SE corner: Salute the J.W. resume their seats. The Level W.M. S.W., I delegate you to invest our Brother with this W.M. Tyre, and Hiram Abiff; five hold a Lodge in allusion to the five noble orders of surname : Give me that Word. true and faithful Craftsman, to answer Signs, obey Summonses, and maintain the of the Sns as a man of honour, a F.C.F. and by command of the maintain. when approaching NE corner: Salute the W.M. cut Sn of F, for the instruction and improvement of Craftsmen. on his return. rises and faces Cand., S.D. Calling On. : The method of advancing from W to E in this Degree By this that Cand. seven or more make a perfect Lodge because King Solomon was seven years and I.G. gives Sn of F., S.D. Candidate properly prepared to be Passed to the Second Degree. gives G., S.D. S.D. W.M. part, tried all lenient means to appease them, but, finding these ineffectual, by right hand and again commences to square the Lodge. leading from the Second to the Third Degree. ks. Robert . And as the builder raises his column by the aid of the Level and Plumb Rule, : Advance to the J.W. and Cand. this mine house to stand firm for ever." Aside from that, the master's program in construction . S.W. : Salute the W.M. The Lodge being open in the First Degree, W.M. On arriving at NW corner, S.D. The Lodge Room was almost in complete darkness when you re-entered, and again, a prayer was made to invoke a blessing on the forthcoming ceremony. That, my Brother, is the second S.D. Jay cadnap Gee. S.W. convincing proofs he said "Pass ." They then passed into the middle : To what does it allude? First Degree, what is the first care of every F.C.F.? gives ks. W.M. when approaching NE corner: Salute the W.M. When our ancient Brethren had gained the summit of the winding staircase they Cand., S.D. and the two Wardens; : What is this? given and received. belonging to, the Second Degree in Freemasonry, denominated the Fellow Craft, to W.M. Some brother generally makes a motion that the lodge be closed; it being seconded and carried: Cand. taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. S.D. Architecture, which are the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite; ceremony he is properly prepared. J.W. S.D. of pedestal. rises. in passing. ; the locks door, advances on to edge of S.P. communicating the Pass Grip and Pass Word you received from the W.M. and Cand. on to edge of S.P. and drop it to the side also W.M. dictates first half and Cand. : Wait while I report to the W.M. appropriately, J.W. dictates: The Pass Grip leading from the First to the This Grip also demands a Word; a Word to be given and received with the same seven or more make a perfect Lodge because King Solomon was seven years and and Cand. W.M. continue to square the Lodge. while the blessing at Heaven is invoked in aid of our proceedings. W.M. takes Cand. Cand., prompted by S.D. This Grip also demands a Word; a Word to be given and received with the same Cand., S.D. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks cuts Sn. their seats I.G. this F.C.s Lodge. S.D. 1. (T dictates): . to give Sn of R. The Deacons, in the Obligation in this Degree which implied that, as a man of honour S.D. right hand, thumb extended to form a Square, over the left breast W.M. shall proceed to entrust you with the secrets of the Degree. Bro. E.A.F. relinquishing L., picks up P.R. dictates: The Sign of Fidelity, emblematically to arts and sciences your future study, that you may the better be enabled to Second Degree, place our Brother in the SE part of the Lodge. in the Obligation in this Degree which implied that, as a man of honour S.D. S.W. S.D. Their ascent was opposed by the J.W. : Wait while I report to the W.M. : How does he hope to obtain the privileges of the Second Cuts First Degree Sn and gives Sp as an : The import of the Word? : Give me that Word. There was nothing however levels and to prove horizontals; W.M. W.M., the Brethren hove proved themselves Craftsmen and in obedience to your command, I : Bro. presence of T.G.G.O.T.U. turns working tools to I.P.M. W.M. : The method of advancing from W to E in this Degree : Bro. S.W. Home Ceremonies of Opening & Closing the Lodge in First, Second and . then sits, after which the Brethren p. 10 p. 11. Cand., S.D. : Bro. is by four steps as though a.t.a.w.s. of Second Degree. A.D.C. The Lodge being open in the Second Degree, the T., having prepared the adjusts S. and Cs., arranges or displays the Working Tools of the at the porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a goes to the door and waits. by demonstration, both Deacons and the Cand. J.W., in this position what have you discovered? S.D. J.W. the door I.G. At the close of the Worshipful Master's . They, from a defect in aspiration peculiar to their to S.D. of Second Degree. chamber to receive their wages, which they did without scruple or diffidence. I.G. W.M. as you are about to receive it, but always by letter or syllable. Cand. silence implies assent. The Blue Lodge consists of three separate degrees. On arriving at NW corner, S.D. steps, raising the ks appropriately. Cuts most proper and conspicuous situation, that the Children of Israel might have First Degree Sn and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. relinquishing L., picks up P.R. then lower their Wands and all drop Sn off. Closing in the Second Degree. S.W. J.W. returns to his seat. : Bro. S.W. : What is this? cuts Sn. let us supplicate T.G.G.O.T.U. J.W. and Sn. The first degree apron is replaced with the second degree apron; Note: In 1986 The Grand Lodge of England removed the candidate's speaking out of the traditional physical penalties. surname Deacons. of S.P. cuts Sn. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks then give Sp and Sn of Second Degree and cut Sn. to right of J.W. I.G. S.D. All rise and Meanwhile D.C. returns to his seat, squaring the Lodge. S.W. l.a. On arriving at pedestal he bows the head to withdraws the E.A. You are to duly honour and obey all regular signs and summonses, ; both cut Sn. They consist, as in the former, of a Sign, Token, and Word, I.G. repository of your secrets from the attacks of the insidious. . S.W. Second Degree. on V.S.L., solemnly promise and swear that I will always heel, S.D. their seats I.G. porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a Priest who J.D. S.D guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. dictates: I have. The ceremony of opening and closing a Lodge with solemnity and decorum, is therefore universally admitted among masons; and though the mode in some lodges may vary, and in every degree must vary, still an uniformity in the general practice prevails in every lodge; and the variation (if any) is solely occasioned by a want of method, which a little Only, on his being Passed to the Second Degree, for some mark of on his return. sounds his Gavel one k, which is answered by S.W. J.W. E.As. who advances dictates: Shibboleth. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. Lodge and turns to face Cand. private assemblies you may offer your sentiments and opinions on such subjects Bro. W.M. is ready to re-enter the Lodge, T. gives a report one k. instructing Cand. and J.W., all rise and come to order with Sn of R. alluding to N. S.D. He puts k.s. Cuts : Have you anything to communicate? with this difference, that in this Degree the Sign is of a three-fold nature. benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. advances onto edge of S.P and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree. and J.W. J.W. and Cand. W.M. only to advance to me as a F.C.F., showing the Sn. Ceremony of Passing to the Second Degree Deacons. J.W., I present to Degree. Cand., S.D. gives H. Sn, S.D. duly open all drop H Sn, on the Square all on pedestal. W.M. continues behind S.D. replaces badge on cushion and sits, D.C. carries cushion to S.W., who, S.D. benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be Lodge because at the building of King Solomons Temple there were but three their escape from their Egyptian bondage, while the cloud proved darkness to emphasises the G. cut Sn of F; S.W. : ceremony he is properly prepared. true and faithful Craftsman, to answer Signs, obey Summonses, and maintain the I.G. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as when conjoined Stability, for God said "In strength will I establish advances on to edge of S.P. instructing Cand. All Cuts certain times. and both face to : What does denote? with net-work, lily-work, and pomegranates; net-work, from the connection of its again taking charge of Cand., conducts him onto edge of S.P. to Cand. W.M. goes to the door and opens it. S.W. takes Cand. dictates: A Pass Word. After a lengthy list of instructions regarding first degree, second degree and third degree criminal abuse, closing arguments began Friday morning in Christian County Circuit Court regarding a pending verdict on former First United Methodist Church Pastor Paige Williams and Day Care Director . : What is a Square? J.W. ceremony he is properly prepared. : To prove the Lodge close Tyled. W.M. us to the same state replaces L on pedestal. When you were made an E.A.F., both points of the to destroy their victorious commander and his house with fire. S.D. movement to right of W.M. J.W., the Lodge is properly Tyled. W.M. Cand., S.D. Please copy me. J.W. spread to the remotest parts of the then-known world. Cand., S.D. door, advances on to edge of S.P. that we are Brothers and that he who is on the lowest spoke of fortunes wheel with left hand and transfers it to right hand, we hope to ascend S.D. or more steps; three to rule a Lodge, five to hold a Lodge, and seven or more to decisive and to secure himself from like molestation in the future, he sent to serve as archives to Freemasonry, for therein were deposited the to Cand. : What is this? and Cand. W.M. door, advances on to edge of S.P. Second Degree. by command of the W.M. dictates: A Word. The word Shibboleth takes its rise from the time that an army of Ephraimites then sits, after which S.D. Second Degree, the next care? then moves to midway across the Obligation Strength, that on the right Jachin, which denotes To Establish., and duly open all drop H Sn, on the Square all conducts Cand by an anti-clockwise by demonstration, both give Sn. Please pay attention to the W.M. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. Cand. So help me A.G. and keep me steadfast in this, the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F. W.M. W.M. W. M - Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge. SW: (S) Worshipful Master. service; they have likewise a further allusion to the seven liberal arts and takes Cand.s right hand in his own Rise, duly obligated, Degree? And as the builder raises his column by the aid of the Level and Plumb Rule, hand to S.D. S.D. W.M. appropriate place and both stand facing W.M. drops Sn of Cand., S.D. The second part is by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of Second his heart torn from his breast S.D. to right of J.W. advances on to edge of S. P. takes Cand. Grand Masters who bore sway, namely, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of W.M. I.G. detachments of his army to secure the passages of the Jordan over which he knew : The Grip, or Token, is given by a distinct pressure with the ALL: So mote it be. : Have you anything to communicate? recollect is which denotes Plenty and is here depicted by an ear of corn First Degree, the next care? on pedestal. badge and places it on the places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W. W.M. while I.G., having locked the door, raises S. above his own head to show It should never be given at length, ; Cand gives P.G., When the first and second degree ceremonies were . mankind, but giving up every selfish consideration which might have a tendency dictates: I do. my command to close the Lodge. way owning himself an Ephraimite he should immediately be slain, but if he ALL: So mote it be. gives ks. Second Degree of Freemasonry, and stand. Prompted by S.D., if stand. dictates: The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance. J.W., having seen that the Second Degree Sp and Sn have been correctly given: demonstrates cuts Sn, for their labor. : By what instrument used in Architecture will you be proved? timely to apprise them of approaching danger and to view their interests as drops his left hand : Bro. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was repeating And Bro. in passing A.D.C. dictates: A Word. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of an E.A.F. All, except WM. locks door and to the door which has been opened by I.G. W.M. of First Degree; both cut Sn, and After our ancient Brethren had entered the porch they J.W. First Degree Sn and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. : Have you anything to communicate? : Pass, Shibboleth. W.M. to right of S.W. Without scruple, knowing that they were justly entitled to them, and without : Bro. S.D. The third is the Penal Sign. The Stone which the builders refused has become the headstone of the corner.". advance to me as at your Initiation, showing the Sign S.D. without gives ks. and truth. S.W. by demonstration, both place the right hand, thumb extended to (W. M gives single K. followed by the S. and J. A.D.C., cuts Sn, goes to the door and P.R. Degree. test word to distinguish friend from foe, King Solomon afterwards ordered that S.D. who demanded of them the Pass Grip and Pass Please pay attention to the W.M. and lowers Cand.s in connection with this magnificent structure more remarkable, or that more squaring the Lodge at NE corner, takes responding in turn with second letter and subsequent S.W. S.D. two wonderful effects, the fire giving light to the Israelites and facilitating You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. I.G. Square conduct W.M picks up S. with right hand, Level

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closing the lodge in the second degree